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    First time Dro grow had some questions

    hey guys it was a great summer to grow out door and i had a bunch of fun with it. Now that its fall and the only way to grow is indoor i figured i would give it a try. this plant has been going for about a month now and i was just wondering if she looks healthy and such! let me know thanks Cheeched

    Crazy Mushroom Trips

    Camping Insanity The night before mother’s day I got me and my friends to come out to a sand pit and go camping. There were 8 of us. Most of the guys had tried MDMA and Ecstasy but tonight I got them to trip mushrooms. I thought I knew what I was getting into since I tripped mushrooms...

    My vary first Ontario harvest :) with pics

    hey guys sorry the pictures look like shit but just trying to show you what i produced my very first grow with helpful information from this site and local people i couldnt have done it alone :) the bud still needs to dry more and be cured

    miracle grow ultra blossom

    hey guys my plant is about 2 weeks into flowering and i just started her on this miracle grow ultra blossom someone told me that it would increase the size of my buds and give me a bigger/better yeild i have 8 or 9 weeks til harvest so that means 8 or 9 times more using the "grow" what are some...

    will i yield bud

    this is my first year growing i live in Canada zone 4b my female started to flower just a week and a half ago is it to late in the season to yield any sizable buds off my baby :)