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  1. WoddaWodda

    Scary Ghost Videos

    Well here is a cool video i found on utube. It has some creepy shit on it, even if they are real or not. For some reason Japanese ghosts scare the shit fuck out of me. Ok anyway if you guys know of any scary ghost vids post a link of em.
  2. WoddaWodda

    cyber goth??

    What is up with this cyber goth thing? I like the style and shit but lol when did this happen? I guess what i am asking is what is it about? Like metal heads are anti comercial and stuff so what is this supposed to mean? And wats with the giggles? I mean goggles
  3. WoddaWodda

    Funny stoner thing

    Well i just got high speed internet and i was stoned to death yesterday. But any way i must have had the munchies (cant remember a damn thing) but anyway, i must have been looking at food on google and when i looked at my bookmark tabs i saw that i must have booke marked a page on how to eat...
  4. WoddaWodda

    Can you devolope a lazy eye?

    I was just wondering if you can develop a lazy eye in adulthood. Couldn't find much info on the goog
  5. WoddaWodda

    Good pickup lines?

    I am just looking for some good pickup lines to get my girl whiskers to "sit on my lap". But please lol no pickup lines like "You look uncomfortable, how about you wrap you legs around my waist?" lmao ok so good pickup lines that will have a effect on her.
  6. WoddaWodda

    Fell sorry for gay people.....

    Well all of my life i have been making fun of gay men and women and i have no clue why. I mean i just stoped and thought about it, what have gay people done to me? Not a damn thing. So i am apoligising for ever time i said the f word, made fun of a gay, or anything like that. When people act...
  7. WoddaWodda

    Think that i will get caught?

    Well i have shit speed internet and cannot torrent any sort of media. So do you guys think that if i go to the library and torrent a couple cds and download them to my mp3 player that i will get caught? Because you have to have a library card to sign on and the card has all my info on it......
  8. WoddaWodda

    Imitation Snuff that is imitation beef?

    Well i stumbled on a odd little product. It is imitation snuff that is at the same time imitation beef.....that you pack your lip with like normal tobacco, i guess it is to help as a alternative.. Here check it out- ] Think i should try it instead of doin this REAL dip? lol idk if this is a...
  9. WoddaWodda

    Playing bass on a normal guitar?

    I know this needs to be in the music section but i need fast answers and this has the most viewers. Ok, so if one used heavy guage strings on a normal guitar, if tuned low enough using a bass tuner, could you play bass on the guitar?
  10. WoddaWodda

    Need help deciding if i should buy seeds or a guitar pedal

    Well i stumbled apon 50 bucks and i need help deciding if i should get a pedal for my guitar, it will add a ton of distortion. Or if i should buy some seeds and a computer set up. Please help, it is my 2 favorite things keeping me from my 2 favorite things!
  11. WoddaWodda

    Tribute to Dio

    Well, he is gone. He has been gone for a little while but i just thought id have a tribute thread for him. Maybe is soul is in Metal God Heaven watching us right now. Do you dudes miss him? Shit cause i know Jack Black and KG where his "NUMBER FUCKING ONE FANS" as quoted by the D. Hmm well if...
  12. WoddaWodda

    What color shouls moonshine be?

    Sorry this is not about weed but I bought a jar of moonshine and didnt see it till i got home and it is white....smells like wine. This is my first thing of moonshine. But can moonshine be white? I think i herd somewhere that it means that it was only fermented and not distilled. If it is...
  13. WoddaWodda

    My Band

    We just wanna take our place in metal history. We where thinking about a death getup like the way the character died.. I the lead guitar- Srg. 66, i wear a gas mask and all Vietnam camo. Rhythm- Needles, this one is pretty interesting. The character is a man who was falsely diagnosed with...
  14. WoddaWodda

    A strain that doesnt have a limit

    Is there any strains out there that don't have a limit on how high you can get?
  15. WoddaWodda

    You Guys Will Neve Guess What I Found!

    Well i was walking down the street board as hell when all of a sudden i saw a shiny object in the ditch. So i walk up to it and see that it is a upside down CD. So when i flip the CD ever i am in shock! My dream fell from the sky! I watched half of it and i don't get the choking thing, just...
  16. WoddaWodda

    Is it cool if metal bands wear masks and costumes?

    I was wondering if you guys think that a metal band wearing masks and costumes is cool.
  17. WoddaWodda

    Help-How To Connect to The Crowd

    Well i am in a band and i have been thinking about how to draw and connect more to the crowd. Slipknot, for some reason is a band that you can really listen to for hours and really connect to it and idk, its like something that sucks you to it. Lets say for example cannibal corpse, it is a...
  18. WoddaWodda

    Cant taste beer till you swallow it

    Well im sitting here drinking a lovely beer and i was trying to savor the flavor by keeping it in my mouth longer but i cant taste anything until i swallow. Same thing happens if you hold your nose while chewing food. Do your taste buds need oxygen to taste?
  19. WoddaWodda

    Custom Masks for a band?

    Where can i get a custom mask made for a band? Im looking for either a gas mask or like some sort of fucked up zombie face. Here is a good one but it is to fucking expensive.
  20. WoddaWodda

    Question about slipknot band members

    Well i was watching a slipknot live movie and i saw about 3 dudes in the band, the only one i can reconize is the dude with the long nose but anyway 2 of them looked as if they where just running around the stage jumping up and down and crawling on stuff and the dude with the nose was beating on...