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  1. S

    attitude seedbank site crashed

    Is anyone else having this problem?
  2. S

    Status of Attitude Seed Orders

    Hey, just wondering if people are having trouble receiving their attitude seed orders? I was putting an order together a couple months ago and read on this site that most people were getting their shit jacked by customs. I wanted to do the Birthday promo so I was looking for an update. Thanks...
  3. S

    suggestions for growing mediums

    I was wonderinging if anyone had any suggestions on the type/brand of soil or soiless mixture that I should try. I have used canna, fox farm, and sunshine products in the past but would like to get the suggestions and preferences of some of the experienced growers out there. The more...
  4. S

    Leave Discoloration and Jagged Edges of leaves curling upwards!!!! Guru's please Help

    Anybody's help would be greatly appreciated so I can correct the problem in my room. These are pictures of this problem in the latter stages. It has spread to every plant and these pictures are the worst of it. It seems to be attacking older larger leaves foremost and not effecting new growth...