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  1. P

    Is it worth Harvesting Yet?

    Hello Guys, I have to leave the place where I stay currently and have a week left. I have been growing this from the last 3 months, somehow I think it got stunt in the middle. The point is Is this bud going to be any good? How should I harvest it, It's been using high food P nutes from the...
  2. P

    What type of strain is this?

    What type of strain is this? Is this worth to grow any longer? If Yes, how? Its using 2 CFL Bulbs, and had slow growth.
  3. P

    Leaves Pointing Down and Slow Growth of Buds

    Hello Guys and Girls, Below I have posted some pictures of my plant, I know I havn't been giving it enough light, I will be getting CFL Bulbs soon, however, I wanted to know why are the leaves pointing down from the end, and what should I do for a faster grow? How long will this take to grow ...
  4. P

    Is My plant male or female?

    Hello, Its the first time I am growing a plant, I wanted to know from you guys If this plant is male or female. I just transplanted this plant into this bigger pot so hopefully it will be fine. Let me know If I need to do something for it to grow faster and healthier. Thanks !!!
  5. P

    Hey URGENT HELP !!

    Hello my fellow stoners !!! So I was on vacation for 3 weeks and I left my plant to a friends place. This is how the plant looks right now. I wanted to know what do I need to do for this plant to grow properly. It has already started flowering, but it's growth rate is really slow because this...
  6. P

    First Time Growing Marijuana - HELP with suggestions and advice my fellow smokers !!

    Is this Growing Rate good? Does the plant look in good condition? How much longer do I have to wait ? Is this the Vegetation period on week 3? Any Suggestions Guys? I live on the 10th floor so basically my lighting is direct sun for 12-14 hours. I water it every 2 days. What else should I do...