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  1. StreetSmoker

    kk i need help urgent.

    i left a bag of sour d in new york at my dads in this little shitty plastic stereo. I called him up last noight and told him my stereo is broke and asked if he could send that P.O.S. down as a replacement and he said yeah. now i need to know if i shuld call him up and tell him forget it because...
  2. StreetSmoker

    Immortal technique

    any1 here like him? I think hes a great underground rapper. YouTube - Immortal Technique -- Leaving the Past! YouTube - Harlem Streets Immortal Technique Lyrics
  3. StreetSmoker

    Immortal technique

    any1 here like him? I think hes a great underground rapper. YouTube - Immortal Technique -- Leaving the Past!
  4. StreetSmoker

    Ne1 from

    J/W if ne1 here was from there. I seen a couple of names that seem familiar, i was from there but that site turned to shit sadly, thats how i ended up here. My name there was Greenport :P
  5. StreetSmoker

    How to fight a bear!

    YouTube - How To Fight A Bear lmfao.
  6. StreetSmoker

    Hey everyone

    Hey im a new member of this site but ive been smokin for years. I was a member of but i left and came here and i have been watching it for a while and have decided to join. I hope I meet a lot of cool people.