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  1. N

    my jackass bro cut all but the biggest buds from my plant!!!!

    well, if the title dident say enough, my blood related brother, the one raised by the same mother and father, cut all the babby buds and left the biggest on my auto blueberry and left a note saying fyi da feds were here...... WTF!!!! im over that, kicked his ass and bitched him out BIG.. but my...
  2. N

    New Growth when i hit flowering , leafs are yellow! please look at picts.

    Ok, so this girl has been flowering for about 3 days now, but if you look at the picts, the new leaf growth is yellow around the flower part, my ph is perfect, my watering has not been over or under i beleive, and the nuitz seem to be spot on from what ive gathered, any idea what this is? or...
  3. N

    please help this is my first time

    hi, this is my first plant ever, , is this a male? its only been like this for 2 days. Chopped it down! what a rush!!