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  1. V

    My smell has gone!

    I posted this same thread in newbie central but got no response so here it goes.... I have a noob question for the past couple of days my grow has produced this wonderful lemony was a great fragrance..but now the smell is gone what i want to know is will the smell come...
  2. V

    My smell has gone!

    I have a noob question for the past couple of days my grow has produced this wonderful lemony was a great fragrance..but now the smell is gone :-( what i want to know is will the smell come back? my plants vary between 3 and 5 true nodes...
  3. V

    Yellow on my leaves

    Hey, I've noticed yellow spots on my leaves on 2 different plants do you know what the problem could be?? LEFT SIDE, TOP LEAF VERY TIP OF TOP TRUE LEAF
  4. V

    Manure anyone??

    Hey i'm a noob currently doing my first grow with no chemicals obviously but i was wondering if anyone has ever used rabbit manure as a natural fertilizer i've read that rabbit manure has more nitrogen than chicken manure and it has a very high phosphorous level. Has anyone used it in a grow?
  5. V

    ??(mystery)?? Bag seed

    Hello all, i'm very much a newbie when it comes to this..i've always been interested and intrigued by cannibus and its use in religion and recreation, but never looked into myself, i've never smoked but I plan on smoking my first harvest..but any who..i had a horrible germination experience i...
  6. V

    Odor control

    Hello all!! I'm a groovy little Southern Belle.. ;-) I was just wandering if 1 or 2 plants would stink up a closet grow room? I have Sweet Marjoram, Meadow Sweet, spearmint and lavender all growing in the room closet is located in..its all ready smells pretty festive, but as stated earlier I...