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  1. S

    Herme castration?

    ive seen in a video where it is suggested that you take off all the male parts and let it continue to grow. My plant is two weeks into flowering and i have picked off every pod on every node i can see. Are those all the pods or are there more that i cant get to, maybe inside the female nodes?
  2. S

    Changing Light Spectrum

    would changing the from a mh to an hps weekly have any positive or negative effects? my plants are two weeks into flowering.
  3. S

    advance top 69(ambiguous seed name)

    I was given a 3 week old autoflower that had been growing in a storage container under a bunch of cfls. its been toped two times now already before the two weeks ive had it now and it looks like a little green puff ball. Im fairly sure it is root bound in the little pot it is in now, i will re...