Search results

  1. Slippyone

    3 male pheno's to choose from for & input requested

    Hello all, So I'm growing out a 10 pack of Omega Dawg from Alphakronic genetics and I have 3 very different male Phenos to choose from. I'll be pollinating Paradise's Acid (Diesel), NL#5 and Girl Scout cookie...
  2. Slippyone

    F1, F2, F3 or brand new?

    OK Guys, this maybe a noob question but.....I'm a breeding noob. Grew out 7 Blackwaters (SFV OG x Mendo Purps) from Cali Connection, bred 1 stinky male with a SFV OG Dom female, made seeds. Then I proceeded to grow out a few of those, and used another fast flowering/stinky male with another...
  3. Slippyone

    Heat stress or nute burn?

    Hey guys, got all of these plants suffering something that I've never experienced, all of them are crispy and don't look too happy. All about 8 weeks old, in FF soil and the last nutes I used prior to them looking like this (about a week ago, had a non-nuted watering 3 days ago) was Botanicare...
  4. Slippyone

    Preflower help....M or F?

    Exactly 42 days from seed, starting to see pre-flowers and wanted to know the verdict. Thanks!
  5. Slippyone

    Cali Connection Mixed pack not labeled.....

    So I just received my 12 pack of mixed seeds from Cali Connection via Attitude but they are all together in 1 clear housing, unmarked Do they really expect me to just grow these and take my best guess to which strain is which? really? Has anyone else received this promo and got the same thing...
  6. Slippyone

    Please help identify, 1/4 - 1/8" green caterpillar looking things

    I have been finding these little fuckers on 1 of my plants over the past week. Plant is in week 3-4 of flowering I have been using Neem oil and removing them with tweezers but wanted to know if they are coming from the inside of the buds (I find them on the buds,not really inside) or if they...
  7. Slippyone

    Growing straight up during flowering, trim or let it be?

    So I have been growing 2 bagseeds for about 2.5 months on my rooftop in So Cal (1 smells like Blueberry and the other like Jack H) Each one is about 3ft tall currently and they are essentially 1 big cola with about 15 little side ones that get larger by the day. They are into week 3 of...
  8. Slippyone

    Starting Auto's (Outdoor) on Sept 9th in So Cal

    Hello all. This will be my first try at growing Auto's but since we never get frost in So Cal (I'm a block from the ocean) I figured I can easily get 8-10 weeks of god sun & temps in the 70-95 range until at least early November. I'll keep you all posted as I have plenty of space and a large...
  9. Slippyone

    A little help with germinating using a prop tray & dome

    So I'm trying to germinate some seeds also using a prop dome outside on my roof, I live in So Cal and it's been around 80-95 the past couple of weeks. My question is should I leave the whole tray & dome out in the sun for maximum humidity or possibly put it in the shade or move it completely...