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  1. CinnamonGirl

    stay high :)

    You must always be high. Everything depends on it: it is the only question. So as not to feel the horrible burden of Time wrecking your back and bending you to the ground, you must get high without respite. But on what? On wine, on poetry, or on virtue, whatever you like. But get high. And if...
  2. CinnamonGirl

    Stumble anyone?

    . . .is it just my computer or does the new platform load really slow?
  3. CinnamonGirl

    I killed my fourth male today. . .

    six seedlings left. . .I need some girl voodoo vibes. . . send them this way please! I'm so depressed.
  4. CinnamonGirl

    Recreational Prozac. . . .?

    I have some leftover Prozac and I was going to toss it--but I wondered if there might be some recreational value? I googled around a bit but didn't really find anything. . .Has anyone heard or done anything fun with anti-depressants. . . ..
  5. CinnamonGirl

    Obama riding a fox??

    Could someone please explain this pic to me? I do not understand the symbolism-- a fox? who are the other people? Am I missing something? Butterflies? Flying cats. . . .
  6. CinnamonGirl

    Lies Lies Lies

    No Sex Required: Women Have Orgasms at the Gym I call bullshit.
  7. CinnamonGirl

    Where do you ride the intertubes??

    Post a pic of your space-- Here's where the magic happens at my place :) xo cin
  8. CinnamonGirl

    30 Day Art Challenge

    I found this== sounds fun-- post your pics :)
  9. CinnamonGirl

    Flirting with midgets

    Flirt or toss a midget-- hackers be damned! :)
  10. CinnamonGirl

    Cinnamon Grow

    Dang. . .lost everything. . oh well, here is the Readers Digest Version Just finished my second grow of some bagseed I had a lot of foliage problems and ended up pruning quite a bit-- but the bud turned out quite nice :) The dry weight between the two plants was about 3.5 oz
  11. CinnamonGirl

    Holy Mai Thai !! Batman!

    Sooooooooo...i amverystoned on some amazing bud. No,really this is the best shit i have ever smoked. This magnifucent miricle of botany is from a jaunty little 80% sativa 20% indica plant originally cultivated in some region i can"t remember in thailand...i forgot what i was saying
  12. CinnamonGirl

    Philiipeee. . .!

    Johnny I found your monkey--drunkass little bastard :)!
  13. CinnamonGirl

    Magic Square

    Okay this just fucks me up— This is an ancient palindrome: Sator arepo tenet opera rotas found inscribed on a wall in Pompeii S A T O R A R E P O T E N E T O P E R A R O T A S Read it in a line or put it in a square and it reads the same backward and forward, bottom to...
  14. CinnamonGirl

    What is a Bromosexual?

    and what does JO circle mean? (i read it in a craigslist ad and I don't understand)
  15. CinnamonGirl

    Politicians should be Drug Tested

    I was thinking. . .if drug testing is legal and made legal by the government we pay for--shouldn't it be a requirement for public officials to be drug tested? I want Obama, Romney, Paul, Gingrich to take a piss test. Not just them, all of those money sucking, rule making, fun stealing sons-of...
  16. CinnamonGirl

    Yummy Vegan alternative to Cannabutter for Beginners

    Here is my yummy recipe for Coconut Canna Oil For that can be used in place of butter for baking. Ingredients: 2C of Ground Dried Trim and Stems 2C Water 2C Virgin Unfiltered Coconut Oil 1T Orange Zest Supplies: Coffee Grinder, Food Processor or Elbow Grease :) Cheese cloth or Coffee...
  17. CinnamonGirl

    Baked playing with my Barbies

    So, whaddya think? Does it look like old Barbie is smoking a j ?
  18. CinnamonGirl

    One girl with lots of buds and three plants with hardly any. . .?

    This is my second bag seed grow-- I have four plants at 6 weeks and have been 12/12 from seed, 400w HPS, Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. The first grow I vegged for 4 weeks at 18/6, used MG soil and same light and I only had one plant and I got a stocky bud heavy harvest. My question for this...
  19. CinnamonGirl

    New Bud New Year

    We were pre-gaming a 1920's Prohibition party--I thought the pic's turned out cool. Friends, home grown Double Berry Goo and the New Year--good times :) Feel free to post your party toking pic's! I'd love it! Peace, Cinnamon
  20. CinnamonGirl

    High high high. . .

    This is a very happy day!!!! We just smoked our first bud from our first grow ever from a bagseed we popped 75 days ago and we are freaking super high!! We grew us some Fine marijuana! I would like to thank all the lovely growers here at RIU y'all are awesome-- I really couldn't have done it...