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    2 ?s

    First, getting close to harvest? Pistils turning orange. Second, should I cut the fan leaves away or leave them be? Thanks!
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    Purple stems?

    Hey guys, quick question. This is my Pakistan Ryder Auto, 46 days from seed. It is growing beautifully, but being a newborn I am wanting to know why the stems are turning purple. All responses greatly appreciated!
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    What the hell is this pod looking thing? A seed!? First grow, clueless. Strain is DinaFem Critical Jack, 44 days old. Please help! (I'm hoping its just normal bud growth)
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    When should I see trichome production start
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    Afgan Kush Ryder, Pakistan Ryder, Critical Jack

    My question is, when should they flower, AND, when should I see trichome production start? Thanks!
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    Miracle Grow Quick Start

    This is the only food I have available. Can I use it? If so how much? Pakistan Ryder, fox farm ocean forest. Two weeks old. Help please!
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    Pakistan Ryder: Whats wrong???

    First, to eliminate the typical questions, Two weeks old, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, two 35 watt fluorescents, four inches from plants, no nutes, distilled drinking water, typical type box fan, 6×8 grow space. why are the leaves yellowing? This is only my second grow, first with ANY type of success...
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    dying leaves, but plant still growing...(miracle grow)

    I don't have a clue what's wrong
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    need immediate help

    What is going on? Two weeks into growth and the leaves are dying but each day it grows even with this happening . Are my lights too close? (Two 23w cfls) help!!
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    Burnt Leaves

    Hey guys, I have a quick question. First so you know, I have two 23w cols that I am growing with. My seedling is twelve days old. Two days ago I put a very low amount of food yo stimulate growth, I also had(until now) the plant at about two inches away from the light. One of these two or both...
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    Cant tell

    What do you think it says
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    Ghetto fabulous

    Here is my grow "room" op, lol. The lights are 6500k 23w. Fan to circulate I was using a flood light not knowing the difference. I have been growing about 9 days and haven't seen much growth in the past 2-3 days. Just put these lights up five minutes ago. Is my baby close enough or no? Also...
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    12-1 is bullshit....

    OK, so I switched to 12-1the from 18/6 and am VERY VERY disappointed. My plant seems to be deteriorating quickly. Can I Dwight back to 18/6? (1 1/2 weeks into veg.)
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    brown leaf

    Why does my leaf look brown like this? Too much water?
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    please, help!

    I am currently vegging 18/6 (first week in) I read an article on 12-1 and want to do it. Can I change this far in?
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    18/6- 12/1 help

    I am a week into vegging under 18/6 but really want to change to 12-1the is this possible?
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    switch to 12-1 light cycle? (12-1 experienced help and people for it only please)

    OK, I just discovered the High Times article and am intrigued by the thought of how big the plants get. I don't really care about the energy saving part. So for my veg time I am SERIOUSLY considering this method. BUT, I have been in veg for 1 week at 18/6. Can I safely make the switch? Thanks.
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    First grow. Ever.

    Hey everyone. I have successfully germinated my first seed.Royal Queen Seeds Ice(The Attitude seedbank.) It is about a week into vegging. The question I have is why does it have this weird bend it? It has me a little concerned. Will it be OK? Any positive hater free input is greatly appreciated.