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  1. K round 2!!! Everyone read youll enjoy~

    Ok so im sure you all seen last year about the Q and A on how the number one topic was legalization of medical marijuana and regulations for 21 and older. Well now they are doing it again and guess what.... Legalization is number one AGAIN right now by 600 votes!! EVERYONE needs to go...
  2. K

    Dont buy from 123vaporizers ! ! !

    I ordered from there, and will not again. The shipping took forever ( yeah i know its free but still has free overnight) and it wasnt even the one i picked. it came looking totally different then what i was expecting (still looks ok tho) and it had scratches on one side of the...
  3. K

    How to make feminized seeds ! ! ! Easssy

    Wow ive ALWAYS wondered how to do that and i could never find out how but in the most recent hightimes collectors edition it explains it . All you do is stress out a Female Plant...No Pollen needed....that is GENIOUS! So if you didnt know how either .... now you know.
  4. K

    Help question about switching nutrients!!!

    Hey I was just wondering if it is ok to stop using Alaska morbloom and start using Advanced nutrients Bloom and Advanced nutrients B52. I just dont want to fuck anything up. for a week straight i gave straight water to flush out the old morbloom. pleassse help asap:peace:
  5. K

    Help please!!!

    I keep hearing that if you snip your buds off when they are mature they will grow back. Is this true????? and if you have a link to explain please share!!:weed:
  6. K

    QUESTION... Mixing Pollens..

    Hey i was just wondering if it is a good idea to mix to different strain pollens together??? and whats the best way to store it:leaf:
  7. K

    Last chance to legalize please read!!!!!! Important!@!!

    ''The top 10 rated ideas from the final round will be presented to the Obama administration on January 16th at an event at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, co-hosted by the Case Foundation. At the event we will also announce the launch of a national advocacy campaign behind each idea...
  8. K

    Every pot smoker must read this! Please!

    0OKAY On obama is giving americans the chance to vote for what they really want to change right now. and you wont believe what is winning LEGALIZING MEDICINAL AND RECREATIONAL USE OF MARIJUANA! Its winning by 1200 votes right now and has been in 1st for the past 5 days!! I want...
  9. K

    Where do you Store your Jars for mycelium growth?

    I have fucked up 2 times because i can not find a good humid place to store them. i had them in my attic one time and it was 80 degree. it was wrapped in a black trash bag
  10. K

    FUCK!! Help!

    Label/Receipt Number: ************ Status: Origin Post is Preparing Shipment We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece. it has said that for the past 4 days. what is wrong? does it say that for you ???
  11. K

    Question about 150w hps

    Does any one have any pics of plants that were grown under a 150w hps my friend is getting one but there are no pictures on the internet/???
  12. K

    150w 200w 250w grow pics?

    Does anyone have any pics of their plants budding with a 150w 200w or 250w hps so i can see what to expect for my next harvest
  13. K


    i got some of that horse dung (5lbs) and sum PES hawaiian and i have it in a attic that is 87 degrees and is reallly humid. but its been over a month and still no mycelium. i dont know if that shit is as good as they say or i didnt something wrong. i didnt stick the needle all the way in the...
  14. K

    International cards??

    Is there any international gift cards? Visas you can only use in USA
  15. K


    i have wasted 6 jars of rye grain for growing shrooms . i put them in the pressure cooker unitl the steam starts blowing hard , then turn down to med- lo for an hour. and let it cool and it always comes out to be light brown seeds, not dark brown like all the videos show. i am tired of...
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    ok i have 2 jars in the pressure cooker, i filled water so that it is about half inch up the bottom of the jar. but i just have the jars sitting on the bottom of the pot. is that fine?
  17. K


    ok so i ordered spores and i put a fake name and i think i have to sign for it when it gets here, so do i put sign as the fake name or do i just sign my real name. i used a gift card not a real credit card. but i just want to make sure...pleasee guyssssssssssss thanks i just dont wanna get introuble
  18. K

    If i went to Amsterdam...

    And i took a few seeds and stuck them in the littlest spots on my shoes , would i be able to bring them from amsterdam to america? im realllly paranoid
  19. K

    R.I.P Albert Hofmann

    Albert hofmann died today if you dont know who that is, he invented LSd. :-|
  20. K

    Wow. Jus tried to order from

    Jus tried to ordre from sporebank and i used a pre paid gift card and it said my order failed. It said i had to fill in a Customer Id but i dont even know where to look for my customer id.. i think thats why it failed..can some one help?