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    How far from harvest?

    How much longer ya think?
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    Check out my leaves

    MG potting soil with MG ferts once since I thought orginally it was nute deficient. The pH of my water is 8.3 (just measured it) and i'm thinking now it's nute lock out??? Maybe only noticed recently since MG soil was low pH in beginning and the high pH water has just recently raised the whole...
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    What is your method to success using Miracle Grow?

    I find it hard to believe someone hasn't figured it out. What's your method using MG?
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    leaves browning, brittle, edges curling up..

    first grow, dropped some seeds in and this one grew. it's miracle grow potting soil with a ring of worm castings around the perimeter. Been outside for 6 weeks with rain wind and all mother nature can throw at it. 15 gallon pot that drains well...i realize this isn't exaclty a well planned...
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    setup recommendations for this cabinet

    60" high divided by a shelf at top with 10" above and 50" below, 37" wide, and 23" deep. These are all internal dimensions. Any ideas how to use this best or links to what people have done with similar cabinet.
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    Electrical Wiring Question

    I want to run a 600w HID soil setup in a garage cabinet. I've only got one wire coming off a 15amp breaker going in the room. Will this be enough or do I need to add another breaker and run another wire in there? Give me a gut feel, this is my first grow and not sure what all i'll need to make...
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    Is this a good light for the money?

    Putting together my first grow. I'm looking for a 600w HPS/MH combo setup. Does this like ok? Any other suggestions?
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    Delaware Medical Marijuana Act - SB17 I suffer from severe anxiety disorder. I've diagnosed myself and treat my condition accordingly. What steps should I take with my doctor to be eligible to receive medicine in 2013? I need suggestions to approach this with the highest...
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    Noob in Delware

    I'm in Delaware, zone 6-7, and would like to try a grow outside. Seed choices are overwhelming. Any recommendations to boost my odds of success this year? Or does it really matter?