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  1. T

    My leaves are growing but keep falling off?

    Ok i had this plant for almost 3 fing months and its only 9 inches in hight max it keeps getting taller and then the very bottom leaves turn yellow and fall off i stoped using nutes after i gave it nute burn like a month ago changed the soil and i have a nice grow box 150w hps bulb sunlight film...
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    fox farm organics

    hi every one I previously purchased some nutes big grow and tiger bloom I am using soil and I am not sure how to use these products a before I attempted any thing I wanted some in site if yall can thanks
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    Hi every one i been growing for about 3 weeks now.. i am new to the game .. j/w where and what type of organic nutes i should use in soil i bought one thats was recomended but then i found out recently it was for hydro. growing the soil so i stoped using it . i got a 2ft by 2ft by 6 ft high grow...
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    Envirolite 125W Grow Lamp IN THE US PLEASE

    I can only find these bulbs in he uk what is equvilent to them in the us what brand may be i got a hell of a set up at home and i cant get any desent bulbs the bulbs i have are 15w cfls i have 6 of them but my plant doesnt seem to like them at all its only about 2 inchs high in 2 weeks !!!! so i...
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    Input please

    its been about a week since germination my plant is only about 2 in tall whould i get discouraged i see many peoples plants that grow alot faster then i see mines growing. I have 6 cfls going i dont have an exhuast fan yet ill be installing that today i keep the temp around 80 as much as...
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    1st Week of Grow

    Hey Guys i am new to this web site and let me say you guys do some amazing stuff with your set ups now i got a 5 60w cfl set up this saves energy and i havent gotten to save up for an hps yet . my plant is about 2 and a half inch tall and i leave the lights about 5 inches away from the light for...