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  1. mememolly

    Should I prune the bottom leaves?

    The bottoms leaves is getting no lights and is all dieing. Should I cut them all off and just have the top leaves?
  2. mememolly

    Why is my plant so compact?

    Does anyone know if there's problem with this? all the nodes are stacked on top of each other with no space between. Its been 2 weeks on veg.
  3. mememolly

    Can someone tell me what is this huge ball growing on my plant's buds is?

    Those ball things wasn't on the plant yesterday when i saw it today it appeared on few of the buds. Is it normal or should i cut it off?
  4. mememolly

    Can anyone tell if this is female or male?

    I can see some kind of stuff going on the stems but i don't know if its female or male can someone help me?
  5. mememolly

    Can someone tell me what is wrong with the leaves of my plant?

    As you can see on the pictures above its curling upward on the edges and it's a bit yellow on the edge and some of the leaves are twisted. What should i do??
  6. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping and really dark please help

    Okay so i had these plants for more then a month now and it only has grown that big... It is in 25gallon DWC with 60gallon of airpumps should i add more? I gave it the basic nutrients of 200PPM and the PH of the water is 5.8 It is under LED and CFL lights 75F and 60% humidity on 24 hour light...
  7. mememolly

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    I put them under 90Watt LED + 45Watt CFL its grown in DWC system. Its been 3weeks and you can see the seedings hasn't grown much and the leafs are really dark. Did i do something wrong?
  8. mememolly

    Why is my leafs drooping someone help me?

    My other seeding's leafs are all straight but this one is kinda drooping more and more what could be wrong with it?