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    2 weeks into flowering

    the lower leaves of all my 4 plants are wilting and eventually falling this normal? what should i do? what is the issue here? thanks
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    how much yield?

    hey guys, havent posted in a while but i got 4 plants growing under a 100W HPS and 4 100W CFLS. They are a little over a month old and range from about 9 in to 16 in tall. they have been on 12/12 lighting for just over a wk now. how tall you guys think they will be come harvest? and how much...
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    how long should my lants be under 12/12 cyclle before they start to show male/female signs??? :joint:
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    light question

    got a 150w far should it be away from my baby plants? they seem to be growing very slow and have dry leaves
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    quick question...

    ok so i just translpanted my 3 plants today while they were in just avg soils ($2.00 bag) into Miracle Grow 'Organic' soil. will this soil change affect my plants?? if so how?? btw how is Miracle Grow Organic?
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    what kind of soils do you guys think is the best to grow in?? i just went out and bought the cheapest available soil...whats good?
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    how can i get my new baby plants from streching so much? i know its not a light issue because all my cfls are about 2in from the top of the plants. any suggestions?
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    when to transplant??

    when should i transfer my plants outta the little beer cups that they are in now?? suggestions??
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    how often should i be watering my lil plants that just broke the surface???
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    having trouble

    im having trouble gettin one of my seeds to germinate...any suggestions?
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    newly planted seeds

    so i just planted my 2 germinated seeds in separate 12oz plastic much light (cfls) for each cup?? also how far away? how long should they start to break through? any other suggestions?
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    grow outdoors

    plan on growing outdoors soon...can i plant my seeds directly into the soils outside or start indoors and then transfer?? any suggestions would help
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    first grow, all males!!

    im a week and a half and i think 3 are males and am staring to think the 4th is male too!!:evil::evil::evil: what are the odds!! any suggestions for next time?
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    will both male and females show pods?? i have been into the flowering stage for about a week now and am noticing multiple pods at every node site. are these all males or will females show a little later? thanks
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    flowering question...

    just started the flowering stage about 3 days ago went out and bought some "bloom burst" plant food, which is 10(N)-52(Phosphate)-10(potash). should i use this on my plants now or should i stick with my 10-15-10 plant food for flowering? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! this is...
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    just started 12/12

    what can i expect? im under a 150hps and some cfls...sexing soon? or when can i expect to notice
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    lights for flowering

    i have 4 young plants that im gunna start 12/12 on them...anyway sould i just use my 150hps for light or hould i also have that with my other cfls? which way is better for flowering?
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    just got a 1/2 O for $100 and about to smoke it all for the big day! who all is ready??!
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    signs to go 12/12...

    when should i see signs that I should go 12/12 on my plants? what am i looking for? this is my first grow, so any info would help!
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    newbie question>>>

    whats the difference between darker leaves and lighter leaves?? just curious b/c my bigger plant is darker and the rest are a lighter green.