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  1. N

    Skunk plant looks sick! Need help!

    I have two lemon skunk plants growing under 6 24w daylight CFL's. One plant is doing fine and is looking very healthy, the other one isn't doing too good. The one that looks sick is on the 6th node and 50% of the leaves are turning a bronze color and feel dried up. I already had to prune 4...
  2. N

    Do I have the right CFL's?

    I have 3 24w daylight CFL's for vegging and I have 6 24w full spectrum CFL's set aside when they start flowering. Are these the right types of lights at these stages of growth?
  3. N

    lots of questions.....

    I'm only two weeks into my skunk grow but I was wondering when I should change the lighting hours to 12/12? I want it to start flowering ASAP. My friend told me I can switch to 12/12 after 2 months to induce flowering, is that true? Also when can I start giving my plants nutes? it's starting on...
  4. N

    update on lights

    My HPS setup was trashed by my brother last week so I had to resort to growing from a window for a little while. He ended up selling my light set up for me and I recovered most of my investment. I don't want to spend a lot of money again so HPS is out of the question unless I really NEED it. I...
  5. N

    lights are busted!!

    Well I just started my new grow after my NL plant failed. I started just one lemon skunk seed and it sprouted not to long ago. I was using one 150w HPS light to grow. I work all day so I have my brother take care of the plant when I'm at work. When I came home last night he told me he broke the...
  6. N

    Planting deep is too deep?

    Well my lemon skunk seed that I just planted not too long ago has already sprouted and is looking good. I started on my second plant not too long after the skunk and it still hasnt sprouted yet. I put the seed in a lot deeper than I normally do, nearly an inch deep. What should I do? should I...
  7. N

    plant died.....i think

    I was growing a northern lights hybrid. I wasn't able to water my plant for almost 2 days and when I returned from my weekend trip all the leaves were shrivled up and brown. Now I'm left with pretty much a stick, but the funny thing is the stem is still green and feels rock solid. Also when I...
  8. N

    Total n00b to growing

    This isn't exactly my first grow, rather my first sucsessful grow. I'm growing a northern lights hybrid and from what I can tell it looks healthy. My concern is that I don't have a lighting system nor do I plan on buying one. During weekdays it stays indoors and gets natural light from the...