Search results

  1. HereticHero

    Stoney the Dragon

    I just got my bearded dragons high. I fired up my volcano, packed a bowl of dank and let her rip. I took a couple hits and blew it on their faces. That was about 10 minutes ago. Now they're eating a shit load of freeze dried mealworms and chasing down crickets all over the place. Pretty...
  2. HereticHero


    I just got myself a digital Volcano. Worth the 450 I paid. Anyone else with experience with volcanos or other vaporizers? I've had mine for a couple days and I'm already in love with it. My favorite aspect is the simplicity. Takes literally 2-3 minutes to start up and a minute for the bud to...
  3. HereticHero

    Chill Hip Hop/Rap Thread

    This is gonna be so sick. Please make sure it's chill though. No gangsta rap, no killing , no rape. Drugs yes, violence no. Unless its beating up punks?...
  4. HereticHero

    Your Favorite Toking Song

    Post away!
  5. HereticHero

    The Best Dubstep Ever Created

    I know there is already a thread for this in the music section but I wanted to personally create a thread with the BEST dubstep that has ever been made.
  6. HereticHero

    Number of Stars in the Universe

    There are an estimated 300 sextillion stars in the universe. That is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. And people think aliens don't exist... If we exist, they exist. It's very ignorant to think we are inhabiting the only planet that supports life in the universe. Just my thoughts.
  7. HereticHero

    Hookah anyone?

    This is my new miniature hookah. I'm smoking it right now :weed:. Anyone else enjoy smoking hookah? or weed in hookahs if that's what you prefer.
  8. HereticHero

    Purple Stalk

    One of my plants has a purple stalk and it's non responsive to light, nutrients or water. It hasn't grown in a couple days and I'm thinking it's on its way to getting sick. I wish I could post pics but there's really nothing wrong with it besides its stalk being purple.
  9. HereticHero

    Your favorite vacation spot

    Tell me about your favorite vacation spot. It can even be the place that you currently reside. I have been to many places around the world, I was even born in Japan(Not Japanese though). I'm curious to see where everyone has been and what their favorite spot is. I spent a good amount of my life...
  10. HereticHero

    First and Favorite Ways to Toke

    This thread is about the first time you smoked, the method of which you smoked and now your current favorite. go! My first time smoking was with a bowl and now my favorite is probably a blunt. I just can't get enough of them tabacco leaves.
  11. HereticHero

    Scary F'ing Robot

    Is it just me or is this really really creepy?
  12. HereticHero

    Sun + Room Light

    This is one of many plant projects that I have going on at this moment... Okay so I have a couple plants sitting next to my window and their source of light is the sun. And don't worry, I have a huge yard with trees blocking the view so no one would EVER see it. Anyway, the question is; after...
  13. HereticHero

    Breaking Bad

    Not sure if there was a thread already made for this. But I gotta say... I cannot wait until the 4th season is on netflix. This show is f'in crazy.
  14. HereticHero

    Oh Herro. First grow op heyuhhh.

    Hey guys, I decided to join this forum today because I have started my own grow op about a month ago. I felt it was about time I joined the community. I've only been smoking for about a year and half and I'm 20 mother fucking years old. Pretty crazy right? But I've gotten my way around the good...
  15. HereticHero

    Hand Held Craporizer

    I gotta say... I'm pretty pissed off I spent 120 dollars on a hand held vaporizer that hardly does a thing. Maybe I'm doing it wrong or it's a broken pos but this thing just does not get the job done. I let it cook the bud for a good 15-20 seconds and I can see the thc swirling around inside of...
  16. HereticHero

    Male or Female?

    I wish I had a camera so I could post some pics of my plants but how can I tell if they're male or female from just looking at the general structure of the plant itself? The leaves aren't real close together like some of the plants I have seen on this website. But from each node where the leaf...