Search results

  1. dutch militia

    Cool strain guide I found

    Ok so I know that their is already a strain guide link on this site but I felt like that strain guide was poorly organized and then I found this on the attitude seed bank site....sorry if its to long Afghani An Afghanistan pure variety that is 100% Indica. Broad leafed with heavy...
  2. dutch militia

    seeds to your college mail box?

    ok so I am gona order some seeds, I currently am a college student but I live off campus. Since I live off campus I can send mail to my home or I can send it to my school mail box. I was thinking about sending some seeds to my school box because it is not where I would be growing obviously. Dose...
  3. dutch militia

    strongest strains

    ok so I was just wondering what you guys considered the top 5 or so most powerful strands of bud. the reason I ask this is cuz I smoke everyday like 4x's a day and most bud dose not faze me but then two nights ago some one was selling this bud they claimed was grown in amsterdam and I was like...
  4. dutch militia

    fastest grow time posable?

    ok so heres my question. I am completely new to growing but have been smoking for ever and I want to start growing to save my self some money and just because I am interested. Now here comes the dilemma I am currently going to school in Florida but am coming home to NY for the summer. I can grow...