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  1. edlova

    Outdo Growin...the North Cackalacky style

    I am a little over one week into my diesel grow... and T have two others that are three weeks old. Hopefully with a little help from the peeps i trust... I can convert their indo knowledge to outdo riches. The two babies are the NYC and the big 'uns are the mystery... peace'n'chickengrease
  2. edlova

    The NYC Diesel...outdo stylee

    Ive just started the first of my NYC Diesel babies and they are a little over one week old... the grow is in a controlled outdo enviorment... hopefully with the sun...some TLC...good food...and oh yeah the crucial sun 8) ...they will be the shit-o-bang-bang-snip-snap-snappy. Ill keep yall...