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    No hydro experience, help me out?

    So, for my next grow i wanna do something hydro... alittle more automated. i know the basic setups and ive looked around abit, but i have no experience with any hydro setup so i wanna know what you guys think of yours/others hydro setup that you have worked with personally. Odds are im going...
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    deficiency on lower leaves. uper growth continues fine
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    well i need a fan :( yea right now i have my growbox set up with no ventalation other then 2 computer fans inside the ducting pulling out air from the cooltube,which has the other end open since im starting flowering today im gonna need another fan and a carbon filter because im going to...
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    smallest plant fully flowered ( very crappy pics )

    i believe my crappy growing ability should be usefull for something... so to amuse the croud.. the smallest plant ever flowered. sorry for the shit pics... my digital camera is broke. to give you some prospective.... thats a dollar bill in the backround... plant is like an inch tall 3 brown...
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    Misty / Dreamweaver/ speed queen GRow 250 Hps TenT

    Ok well ill throw up some of the pics i have of my setup. As of now there is no plants in it but i have seeds germinating and i will post pictures every step of the way. feel free to post critisism/advice/"smart people talk" please feel free to leave stupid sentences out and try to not...
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    Pics of ballast cords

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    Hps, Cooltube, I need some info please.

    ok well... im looking to pick up a hps light for my cab because i dont wanna invest in more cfls... because they do cost a good amount and the efficiency is far from what is desired... basicly im looking into getting a cooltube... but the question i wanna ask is... do the ballast's make alot of...