Search results

  1. Oranjello

    1st grow, Diesel Ryder 150 HPS closet grow

    Doing my first grow with a 150watt HPS system hanging from my closet ceiling. I have my Diesel Ryder seeds planted into Fox Farm "happy frog" soil and these babes have just sprouted and are about a week old. And i must say I'm overly excited about this :) any comments or helpful hints you may...
  2. Oranjello

    Soil plant questions

    I'm a first time grower. I bought some Diesel ryder seeds online and have planted them in Fox Farm's "happy frog" Soil. I have six seedlings so far, its been about a week and a half since germination. I have them all under a 150 HPS light. My question is when should i start to add the fox farm...
  3. Oranjello

    Would this grow set up work?

    just curious if some more experienced growers could tell me if this set up would work. High Tech Garden Supply in your opinion would it work? is it tall enough? any feedback is good. thanks -OJ
  4. Oranjello

    Cost Effective grow box ideas?

    hey guyz, i got a 4' x 2.5' closet im looking to grow a few plants in. Does anyone know a setup which is relatively cheap, and will still produce a good amount of bud for the sq. footage? any tips will help. thanks -OJ
  5. Oranjello

    THC ministry?

    So just last night a man by the name of Steven Swalick was arrested near my home town for growing upwards of 100 plants. When questioned about the plants swalick replied that he was a minister of the THC ministry. After some research i have found that this is actually a legitimate religion. Who...
  6. Oranjello

    Starting to grow

    So heres the deal, im new to the growing game. and ive been reading up on the generals of growing such as the plant life cycle, whats needed etc. My question is does anyone know of any pre made grow boxes and or easy to build grow boxes which can house around 2-3 plants throughout their...
  7. Oranjello

    growing video ... please read

    after watching the "Stoned guide" growing video... i have a few questions. This video really makes growing weed look "too easy". Now after watching the video, would any of you add any instructions to the growing process? ie adding nutes etc...
  8. Oranjello

    anyone ever use them? if so how was the experience?
  9. Oranjello any good>?

    anyone ever buy from them? if so, how was the experience as far a customer support? did they ship to US? did they accept credit cards? etc etc. thx <3
  10. Oranjello

    Beginner setup

    Trying to get together a grow room with a buddy of mine. Recently we have received ample amounts of time on our hands with nothing to do. What better thing to do than to fuel our high? So we wanted to build a grow room to house approx. 10-20 plants. Now my question is (and i know this is...
  11. Oranjello

    keeping safe from police

    hello, im wanting to begin growing. just looking into the legalities of the situation first... Does anyone have any tips on eliminating the possibility of having my house searched? what should i avoid doing, what should i do etc etc. thx guys in advance <3
  12. Oranjello

    Yield question

    When browsing seed sites, i notice that many seed strains are labeled as having 450-500g yield. Now is that per plant, or per set of ten plants? thx -OJ