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  1. BudMotherWannabe

    Is it harvesting time?

    So, yeah this is my first plant ever, so I have no idea if it's harvesting time yet. It SEEMS to be still growing leaves out of the tricombs but other than that, it seems to be kinda....well the hairs on the tribombs are turning brownish and the leaves are kinda droopy...I've been taking care of...
  2. BudMotherWannabe


    As a newbie grower, I was just wonderin...what is the point of curing? For some reason I thought I was just supposed to trim the plant, hang it in a dark area and wait a while. Now Im reading about curing being part of the process. Why? What does it do? Please lettme know soon...
  3. BudMotherWannabe

    Two questions...twice high? Epsom salt?

    TWO Questions (yes I just done smokin' actually JUST burped out some smoke lmao but if I dont make sense ............ yeah....but I expect to make sense with those that......yeahhhhhhhhh...........) Ok. If I smoke a joint or bowel or whatnot then wait a little while JUST before I start to come...
  4. BudMotherWannabe


    Help! I have a decent sized plant that is just showing signs of being female, only I have a bit of a problem.... THOUSANDS of tiny white insects in the soil!! And they seem to stay mainly IN the soil too, I've only found one on the plant itself. What should I do?? Are these insects harmful...
  5. BudMotherWannabe

    MY PLANT!! Please, any thoughts??

    OK! Here is my ONLY wonderful growing plant. I am thinking that it is taking a long time to grow however, because this plant is about 2 months old. It still seems quite young to me, but it also SEEMS pretty healthy..... I am just wondering if it is. This is my only and first successful plant...
  6. BudMotherWannabe

    Is this marijuana? Help!

    Ok, so I planted a seed. And nearly a MONTH and a half later I got this: TO ME, It LOOKS like a small mary plant. And it would make sense, since that is what I planted. But its VERY tiny. 3x as small as my other plant babies were. It took WAY longer to sprout. Not to...
  7. BudMotherWannabe

    What on earth??? What happened to these seeds??

    Ok, I planted some seeds in some soil. I did this before, and got growth. But this time, nothing, and its been Almost 2 months. So, I figure I will sacrifice one to see whats going on. So, I slowly dump the soil out and spread it around on the table gently. I find the seed hull....but NOTHING...
  8. BudMotherWannabe

    Help guys, did I repot wrong?

    Ok, I'm actually quite scared. I repotted my ONLY surviving plant was growing pretty well but kinda I figured it needed to be repotted. So, when I did that I put my fingers around the plant stem and tapped the bottom of the pot. When the dirt came out in a clump, sure enough...
  9. BudMotherWannabe


    Check out this video, earthlings. You may have an idea, but keep watching it. If you have a heart, it will break it. But to know the truth is a powerful thing. YouTube - Earthlings - part 1 of 3 YouTube - Earthlings - part 3 of 3 As for me...
  10. BudMotherWannabe

    My Heart is Breaking!! :*(

    Ok, THIS beautiful little sprout is now bent(as if broken...not naturally bent) at the bottom, laying over, and wilting. I've loosely taped it up so it wouldnt damage itself anymore by falling over, but its wilting none the less. Makes me want to just cry. Especially considering the majority of...
  11. BudMotherWannabe

    They are Dying so badly..(pics)

    Here is my crop....they are having major issues..... some....the stems and leaves are shrivled and weak and miscolored. Some....have some weak leaves, but a strong-ish stem. 2 seem to be doing decent, but one of my only healthy one looks as though the stem is STILL really thin....bah...
  12. BudMotherWannabe

    Should I turn the lights out??

    Ok normally I have them outside, mainly during the day though, at night I bring them in because I dont want raccoons knocking them down and whatnot. So, when I bring them in, I stick them under a light in the kitchen. Should I keep them under this light at night or should I turn out the lights...
  13. BudMotherWannabe

    HOW do you Flush your Sprout?

    Ive been given advise to flush my sprouts. HOW do you flush? Not to mention how do you flush with EXTREMELY weak sprouts that cant even hold themselves up? :shock:
  14. BudMotherWannabe

    Broken/Bent stems on sprouts?

    Ok I have a question. About 2 or so of my sprouts have semi-strong stems, however, theres like a ...bend...or SOMETHING right where its supposed to hold the 4 little leaves up. It looks almost as if someone PINCHED, or if it had a thin string around it tightly. But I never did anything to it, it...
  15. BudMotherWannabe

    Emergency! Help Please!!!

    Help!! I woke up today and nearly all of my whole 12 sprouts are in such bad condition I just dont know what to do!! They are all looking brown and that gooey green stuff that was seeping out of them last night had hardened and damaged the leaves, and they are shriviling and wilting and turing...
  16. BudMotherWannabe

    Green liquid? Im confused....

    Um, Im kinda clueless, as Im a new grower, so if this is common sense for most of you, please excuse me! But tonight I brought my babys in from outside because I feel that its too cold outside for them, and couldnt bare the thought of waking up and having all my little ones wilted completely...
  17. BudMotherWannabe

    Lighting question...clear plastic?

    Ok, I have a lighting question. See, Im growing my buds on my back pourch. But to keep nosey neighbors or helicoptors from seeing them, my dad is wanting to buy a clear plastic(because of where they will be setting, they wont be seen with the plastic) and make like a 'tent' for them with this...
  18. BudMotherWannabe

    My newborns are wilting! HELP!

    Ok, I have 12 little ones, and they have been growing really good. But here let me elaborate. When I first began to grow them, I honestly didnt think they'd actually grow so I kinda just put some backyard soil in a pot and stuck a few in that. Then I put 2 in nothing but water. And kept some...