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  1. Lascaux


    Been a member for a few years, but coming back into growing! I'm a artist/woodcarver/aspiring furniture craftsman/woman working in retail purgatory until some kind of opportunity arises or I go back to school >_> I'm in the same boat as a lot of college grads so I'm trying to make the most...
  2. Lascaux

    Trailer Trash Grow Closet

    It's been a while since I last posted here! My first (and last) grow was about 3 years ago and now I'm out of college and living in a hitch trailer on my parent's property, putting the dream on hold. >_> With that being said, my step-dad told me he has no problem with me growing...
  3. Lascaux

    Stoner Paintings

    I painted these over the summer (that I spent nearly every second high as hell). I'm a college painting student trying to fight my family into letting me keep it as my major. ): They want me to be a teacher.
  4. Lascaux

    From Denton, Texas!

    I've posted here a few times with newbie questions, but never actually posted an introduction thread, so here it is! I'm a 19 year old art student and I'm currently on my second grow. I love this forum, it taught me all I know (: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: You guys are the best.
  5. Lascaux

    Cloning feminized plants

    Quick question-- If I took a cutting during the vegetative stage of my feminized Power Plant and the mother plant turned out to be a hermaphrodite once I turned the light to 12/12, will the cutting I took turn out to be a hermaphrodite as well? I was curious since I read that environment can...
  6. Lascaux

    Week and a half old seedlings have second leaves turning brown

    My Power Plant seedlings were planted exactly a week and a half ago and are growing their first true leaves after the cotyledon and they're starting to turn brown and slightly misshapen-- I've only been giving them distilled water.
  7. Lascaux

    Strange little plants

    Well, this started off as a, "tee-hee, lets see what happens if we plant these seeds," project with unknown seeds my friend and I found. We weren't really expecting anything out of it since they could potentially have crappy genetics, but we kept taking care of the plants. I'm on week 7, the...
  8. Lascaux

    Closet Grow

    I've been growing my plants in my dorm room... so they're kind of stunted from lack of root space from being in cups. Now that I have a proper grow setup, I'm hoping they'll catch up. This is in the closet of the trailer next to my house. The space is tall and there are hooks to keep the...
  9. Lascaux

    Covering plants to induce flowering

    Hello! First time grower-- This question has been itching me and I thought I should ask before it becomes a problem. I have seeds that have just sprouted and I plan to plant them in a clearing in the forest on my property in three weeks to grow over the summer, however, in August I have to...