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    New Setup..Tubberware

    i got two 30gallon 4 26watt cfl and 2 23watt cfl and 1 42watt cfl. inside painted flat white. 8" intake fan and a 4" exhaust fan. will upload images soon. Growing Bagseed. Anyone know how many i can grow in here?
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    Easy Way??

    What is do you all think is the easiest way to clean a pipe?
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    moldy buds!!!

    I went to check my baby today. Like 5min ago and there is mold on alot of the buds and it wasnt there yesterday.. should i go ahead and harvest or just cut the buds that are moldy off
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    Good lighting Deals??

    Just wondering if these were good deals on lights 400watt hps $7 and a ballast for $60.. what do yall think? - lighting products-industrial lights-commercial lights-indoor lights-outdoor lights-light fixtures-light bulbs-factory discount prices
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    First Grow.. How she look?

    The pictures suck cause for camera. Anyone one know strain it looks like are any idea it was bagseed. Or how much longer i got?
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    Will this fan work?

    I fount a computer fan on ebay.. dont know if it would work for a non pc grow. if good then i will get it.Silverstone FX121 SFF Cross Flow Fan - eBay (item 330271806397 end time Oct-16-08 23:29:36 PDT)
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    Help Me..Nute Burn!!

    i fed my baby some mg bloom booster. And today it is burn real bad.. yellow looking spots everywere. some leaves are burnt up, and some of the bud hairs are starting to get burnt up.. i gave 1 gallon of water to flush it? any ideas
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    Cloning in Flowering????

    I chopped the bottom stems of for cloning they had very little buds on them and i cut them off to sample.. Clone is in soil. i keep it moist. and i got 6 23w cfl soft white one. and temps are staying at 80degrees will this hurt the clone.. light hours are 18/6. first time to try to clone
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    Does anyone have good explained threads on cloning i cant find shit.. Do i need to put light on it after putting in soil and if so does it need to be above it or off to the side a lil bit.
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    How Much Longer??

    Its been flowering for sometime. and been budding for about 5weeks. how much longer should i let her go??
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    First Grow..

    This is my second plant first grow.. First plant was a monster and came out to be male so i trashed it.. I dont know the strain been flowering i dont know how long.. and the buds been growing for like 4weeks. how does it look no nutes.
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    Plant is budding..

    I got a really sick looking plant. Just a stock as thick as a pencil but real stiff, and about a 6 inch bud on it been budding for about 5 weeks. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger, but it worries me cause there is no smell at all, anyone know why? i post pics tomorrow.
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    Flowering Question?

    How long after sign of sex will it start to flower? Plant is an outdoor plant about 2 or 3months old.
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    Thunder Storms?

    I have about 5 plants outside.. one is about 3months old.. and the others are 4 weeks.. today we had heavy rain and wind. the big one is ok.. but the other ones were filled up with water all leaned over and under water. i stake them up and took a cup and took all the water i could out of the...
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    Tell me how my plants are looking..

    The ones in the ground will be 4 weeks old tomorrow i have started them on nutes and the big on is.. um idk how ne know what strain these are.. there bagseed.
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    How is my plant looking?

    I still have no clue if its male or female.. but i think it might be hermie cause it is bagseed.. so never know what your gonna get. so tell me how it looks and if there is any advice yall can give me please do.. thanks.
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    I was transfering my plant into a bigger bucket.. In the old one it had styrofoam at the bottom about an inch or so.. and there was alot of roots growing through it and out the bottom of the old pot.. It tore a shit load of roots with this hurt the plant any?
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    1 week of flowering!!.. Does it look good?

    I dont know what strand it is.. its 2months old.. topped it way to early.. Tell me what you all think and leave me some advice.. thanks.
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    2nd grow!!

    Does this plant look like its in good shape to be 5 days old? Growing with 3 cfl's and floro..
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    I planted some bagseed about 3months ago.. My mother in law has been chopping the heads off of it.. It is about 10 3/4" tall.. Is it ok to start flowering?