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  1. F

    who knows the strain with the best quality to yield ratio? ideas?

    First off, thanks for checkin out the thread and for any valuable input you may add. I have a good amount of experience but have never ordered seeds online - I got mine from someone who did tho but had no choice in strain selection It will be my first time ordering seeds online and I am...
  2. F

    Crystalized storage solution?

    Hi All I'm new to hydro and I use a Milwaukee pH600 ph meter to measure the ph in my res. When i am not using the meter I store the probe in the storage solution that the company recommends to use. I have a few questions about the storage solution: 1) is it necessary to use the storage...
  3. F

    Clones aren't looking similar to mother

    I have a blueberry strand and I recently took clones off of the mother and they are doing great. The sunleaves on the mother look like any normal indica/sativa hybrid would but the sunleaves on the clones only have 3 leaves for the most part. The clones are about a month and a half old and are 1...
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    How can I mark a thread?

    Is there any way that I can mark a thread so that I can easily find it later? Or some way to make a link straight to a post?
  5. F

    Help with my switchable 400w HPS/ MH plz!!

    I have a 400w HPS with a MH conversion bulb in it and it has trouble turning on. It is very new still and was purchased from HTG Supply just 2 months ago. I know that it should take a few min to boot up to full power but mine won't even light up after long periods of time, Instead there is just...
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    Is it worth getting a digital HID ballast?

    Hey, So what's all the hype about digital ballasts? What's better about digital ballasts compared to traditional ones? and are the worth the extra $$$? Thanks a bunch
  7. F

    Low Maintenance Wicker System!!

    Okay, here's the deal: I am trying to come up with my own effective wicker system or use someone else's, if you've made one yourself. A soil wicker system seems very practical, yet I haven't heard much about em. I know that they have been used to grow other plants so I think it should work, but...
  8. F

    Ohh Baby Babbby!! Catchy Huh?

    Okay, here's the deal: I am trying to come up with my own effective wicker system or use someone else's, if you've made one yourself. A soil wicker system seems very practical, yet I haven't heard much about em. I know that they have been used to grow other plants so I think it should work, but...
  9. F

    Anyone know about electrical outlets and all that?

    Hi, I know that different houses are wired differently but I just need a general idea of how many watts I can run out of a standard american outlet? Also, would a bigger outlet be able to take more watts or does it just have more plug ins? How many watts can i Put into an outlit with 6 plug ins...
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    Light Timing Help plz

    Has anyone ever tried changing lights from 18/6 to 24 on during vegging? Cuttings need 24 hr light and the veg room lights are only on 18. Can they be switched up and stay on constantly without harming the others? Thanks
  11. F

    Cutting From Flower Help?!

    Hi I know that it is possible to take a cutting from a flowering plant and am aware that it must be forced back to the veg cycle, but I was wondering if the fresh cutting must be under 24 hour lighting or can it be 18/6 and still root? Answers?? Thanks!
  12. F

    Electrical Help Needed!!

    Here is my situation: I spotted 2 70 watt HPS on a barn that was going to be destroyed so I cut the cords and took them. I made sure to et ballast and all but when I tried to reconnect the wires to a replacement wire and plug it in, the light doesn't turn on : ( Any advice??? Thanks