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  1. A

    Questions about Males

    So this is still my very first grow, and even though I really messed up the temps from the beginning I'm still holding out that one of my four plants will endure to be female. Just to be sure, so I don't kill any precious ladies, I've taken some pics of the male I'm about to pull to ask some...
  2. A

    Are These Balls?!?

    It is time for yet another round of every Newbie's LEAST favorite game: Are These Balls? Below will be three pictures each of two (2 Month Old) contestants who have just recently (4 Days) been introduced to the world of night via: 12/12. I'm hoping someone can tell me whether Contestant Number...
  3. A

    First Grow: In need of some advice and general look-over

    Finally started my very own grow about two months ago (a little less) and I'm to the point where it appears I need advice specific to my plants (rather than continuously searching the threads). I understand that you can veg for as long as you feel is necessary before going to flower, but I would...