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  1. N

    wonderin how shes doin. pics =]

    this plant is about 1 1/2 months old. it doesnt seem to have any problems but i would like other ppls opinons
  2. N


    i have this plant a couple months old and i wanna know how its doin and how much longer till floweing?
  3. N

    GUYS! how is this plant doin? PICS!!

    i have this plant and it seems to be growing good but i wanna know how much longer to flowering and what now.
  4. N

    i really need help! please

    so i have this 3 to 5 week old plant and its about 3 to 4 inches tall the 2 main leaves are yellow and droopy at the ends, and then other leaves are looking fine. but i dont know if there is bugs getting to my plants or what. ill have pics soon please tell me how i can fix this problem or if its...