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  1. Luiskies420

    Rusty looking leaves

    Hey every1, I recently spotted this weird looking discoloration on one of my.ladies that resembles rust that cant be rubbed off. Its happening mostly on the younger leaves but not new growth or older leaves which some.actually show signs of N def. Any opinions?
  2. Luiskies420

    Dr. Grinspoon ? Should I grow it now, or too late?

    whats up my fellow stoners! Was just wondering if I should start a Dr. Grinspoon seed outdoor now since its a 100+ day sativa and I need to harvest before december due to bo-mothafucken-trytis , my worst enemy so far. Any opinions?
  3. Luiskies420

    Sun-stressed Seedlings

    Howdy folks. I started these seedlings more than a month ago (3-20) to be exact and all have shown signs of heat stress/sunburn to the point that the first set of true leaves got discolored and eventually browned and fell off on 2 of the 3 seedlings I have outdoors. The other seedling's first...