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  1. C

    fml, this is bad

    right now it is 1:14PM and i just smoked an 8th blunt to myself and i just got a call from the place i want to work at for an interview at three. my laundry isn't done and my dress shirt for interview isn't ready, haven't shaved in 3 weeks and out of razors or clean socks, and i can not even...
  2. C

    who has been to ibiza

    those who do not know of this paradise-like island please permit me to inform u via this documentary style video so anyone wanna go? :)
  3. C

    favourite munch?

    kettle chips are win right now
  4. C

    the real skunk #1?

    dutch passion, sensi, and nirvana all have a bud called "skunk #1". which one is the bestest/realest/purest ones? if i were a breeder and wanted conssitent seedlings, where should i get them?
  5. C

    whats your room like?

    i was wondering about if any of the guys here are interior design fans. most of us are males, but i know i personally have waken up on a chore-less day, said "**** this ****", and re-arranged my furniture to make use of space better. -do you like your living space to have color co-ordination...
  6. C

    im high now

    exams are over, its saturday, im high, but the dorm im in is empty. nobody, is here. im in a big city too, i'd normally just head out but it has never been done with my peeps naw mean? thank god i have my emergy stash and my music. oh and of course, riu... soo very bored
  7. C

    happy canadian thanksgiving!

    so a bunch of europeans came to northern north america several centuries ago and started a holiday about how thankful for the helpful natives. then they screwed them over. now europe is one of the most "diplomatic" continents in the world, towards each other, relatively. whatever. but the people...
  8. C

    lighting: area and number of plants

    hello in the FAQ on this website it says that 400 watts HID is good for 2x2 ft to a 3x3 ft area. i want to grow either yumboldt if i want to be original, or the two other (safer but almost ordinary) ak47 and skunk #1 (from sensi). i don't know how wide or tall these things can grow to and...
  9. C

    do you keep your stash in a bag or a jar?

    i personalyl keep it in a jar for extra freshness some of my buddies and i were smoking the other day and when i pulled out my stash to pitch in for the cause, they made fun of me cuz i looked like a smiling kid with a cookie jar. whatever. i proceeded to put 2 of them in simultaneous...
  10. C

    today is the day! are you safe?

    CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT :o Today is the Day don't worry guys, i think this is from norway
  11. C

    social toker or loner toker

    do you like to toke with ur buddies, during parties, or with a crowd? or do you like to toke with your own beats, in your own house, maybe with a significant other or just ur best bud? personally i prefer to only toke with a crowd when im drunk. wen just toking i like to be alone or with a...
  12. C

    question about "knockoffs"

    okay im really drunk right now but i'll try to make it coherent i still gotta buy seeds for my first grow and am saving up some green to plant some green. now the thing is, i can get certain seeds, for example i'll take ak47 from serious seeds, for around 150 bucks a pack. now these ppl wont...
  13. C

    i can't believe theres no topic on DMT

    DMT (di-methyl-tryptamine) is a dream stimulator created by the pineal gland in most animals. dreaming is such a primitive mechanism for organisms to "rest" and our bodies to grow that even plants creat isomers of DMT. when you dream, the pineal gland in your brain starts to pump out DMT in...
  14. C

    So many skunks

    heylo im looking to grow some very newbie friendly skunks but i can not seem to pick which one, there are many choices to pick from and all of them are dutch -first up is the "Skunk #1" from sensi seeds SENSI SEEDS > SENSI SEEDS > Indoor / Greenhouse > SKUNK #1® they say it is a indica...