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  1. rockabelly

    Nitrogen problem

    My older leaves are getting pail and are slowly dying off and spreading to the younger leaves :\ I've flushed out the solution and have given it just water to try to turn it back green and release any nutrient clog-gage. However, I can't seem to keep the plants healthy.. this has happened...
  2. rockabelly

    when do i start using my MH lights??

    my plants are about 3weeks old... and i'm thinking of starting to use my MH 250watt cool light now. Do you think it's too early? should a wait till the plants are 6weeks old..(i heard this once)? thanks
  3. rockabelly

    week 1 what more important air or humidity?

    k so i think i over watered my plants...i've let them dry out for a day or so now but i'm wondering if i should put my seedlings back under it's dome that i originally started it in, to give it humidity and moisture? does anyone know if this is a good idea/? bassically what happened is that...
  4. rockabelly

    should i remove my light?

    Put my flurescent light on my little seedlings today...they are only about a week old...but this morning it seemed as though an hr after I started giving it some light that the plants started to wilt??? does anyone know if this is because of the light....? should I place it back...
  5. rockabelly

    need some help please

    my seedling is about 7days has just started to show it's first set of true leaves and I decided to add the flourecent light adn had one of my seedlings wilt near the base.....does anyone know if that is due to light being exposed too early? I also opened the vent for several hrs today...
  6. rockabelly

    does anyone know about air control?

    does anyone know when and how much air a day I should add, by opening up the vents at the top of an 1foot domed germination station? I've just added a light and was wondering if i should open the vents for about an hr a day, or longer? my seedlings are about 5days in heat and water are...
  7. rockabelly

    I'm having a problem after week 1

    How important is it to use a low wattage flurecent tub light during the begining stages of adding light to the seedlings? I have been having problems after the first week when adding a 60w plant light...which i'm starting to think isn't flurecent :-? and it has been burning the first set of...
  8. rockabelly

    I really need some help

    First off i'm really new to this, so any help is much appreciated and many thanks. But I seem to have a little problem.... after germination...which I dont seem to have a problem with, my plants are dying..? I have a germination heated station and am using DNF organic bassed gro 8-2-3 but...