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  1. SusBaxter

    Burning Stem, Dying Leaves

    So i'm about a little less than a week into flowering with my FIRST plant and it's beginning to burn and die a little on the bottom of the plant. I've had 1 small little fan leaf die and another small fan leaf with 3 leafs on it die along with it. The bigger and older leafs are darker and feel...
  2. SusBaxter

    Does this look ready to flower?

    It's been a month since this plant first broke ground. I've been reading that It's a good rule of thumb to switch to flowering when its about half the size you'd like it to grow but I feel like my plant isn't that full in growth but at the same time it's already pretty tall and I don't want it...
  3. SusBaxter


    I'm about 2 weeks in with my first ever plant, it's starting to get more sets of leaves coming in. I was wandering if I could get any feedback on how I'm doing so far. Do the bottom, darker leaves look ok? I'm going to change up the set up a bit more to help get more light on it but other than...
  4. SusBaxter

    First Time Grow Problems

    Alright well this is my first time ever growing anything so I know i'm fucking something up. I'm currently growing 2 seeds, one barely just broke through the ground and isn't looking that great, the other one is getting there. I have a closet grow with 2 100wat CFL light bulbs set up. When i...