Search results

  1. powhitetrashomie

    Red Bud

    When I was 21 (not saying how long ago that was), the best bud I ever smoked was Red Bud (California Red Bud?). I would dearly love to try growing some of that for a few reasons. Red is my favorite color for one thing. lol But I'm thinking if it was that good back then (okay SEVERAL years ago)...
  2. powhitetrashomie

    Any Female Growers?

    Any other female growers here? I don't know anyone to talk to about my garden and I'm excited about it. I'd love to have some pen pals. I'm especially interested in talking to some women over 40 but I'll answer anyone who writes to me. Would love to see a stronger female showing on this site...
  3. powhitetrashomie

    Any Female Growers?

  4. powhitetrashomie

    Any Female Growers?

    And I don't mean is anyone growing females, lol, hopefully we are all doing that. I'm just interested in talking with other women (especially women over 40), who are growing. I would like to have a pen pal kind of thing going on. I don't have any friends around here who smoke and I'm excited...
  5. powhitetrashomie


    My name is powhitetrashomie but you can call me po. I'm an old timer to most of you. I'm 49. I have been smoking weed since I was 19. I quit smoking for a few years while looking for work but recently started in again, only now I use a vaporizer. ( I smoked cigarettes for a lot of years too so...
  6. powhitetrashomie

    Seed Exchange

    I was just wondering if there are any people willing to share seeds? I have some Indica seeds but I'd love to have a couple of Sativa seeds to try growing. Anyone want to trade?
  7. powhitetrashomie

    powhitetrash Grow

    Replies Welcome as I'll be updating this one post. Just keep in mind, this is a powhitetrash grow... I know there are better ways to do things, I'm just showing how I'm doing it. Might work, might not. We'll see. :joint: Thought I'd start a powhitetrash Journal about my first grow. I want...