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    Quick Question .. Does anyone know...

    Due to hurricane Ike, I lost my plants ... no power for 10 days!!! so i replanted some yesterday before I left to go out of town and instead of germinating them I just put the seeds in the rockwool. Does anyone know if they will sprout and grow like that or was it a waste of time/seeds? My...

    Light Question - Need Help Please

    I came across 3 of these on an ad in Houston and they are for $120 for all three. My question is, are these MH ballasts that I can use for grow lights? A picture is below of what the box looks like and it has a little info on the box. Please help as I have to let this guy know by tomorrow. Thank...

    Is this a good deal for $300?

    I came across this ad and wanted some input before contacting this person. Take a look below and tell me if you think this is a good deal for $300. The ad reads....."There is a lot of stuff in this listing, my asking price is $300, but needs to be picked up soon! Some items are NEW and will be...

    5 more days....

    In 5 more days I will be getting on a plane, leaving this crappy ass city, flying back to my city, getting picked up in my slab by my girlfriend, smoking on the way home, get home, see kids, take girlfriend to room, have sex (5 mins give or take a few seconds), eat and then go to sleep.... ahhh...

    Faq is back!!

    Yay ............

    marijuana-seeds seed specials pack

    The other day I bought a seed package from ... Marijuana Seeds Super specials Seeds at the low prices and as I was reading through a few threads I noticed someone saying they wished this company used the original breeder packages. Well this is my first time attempting to grow / purchasing...

    Grow Tent .... is this good?

    I have ordered the Stealth Hydro bubbleponics kit, ordered my seeds, but now I have a little issue. We were going to put the kit and grow in our attic but I am realizing that in the Texas heat it gets SERIOUSLY hot up there. We have no room in our closet so my next plan is to get a grow tent...


    So about a year and a half ago a friend of mine turned me on to torrents. Before that I was using mIRC and before that it was Kazaa or however it was spelled. This torrent thing is AWSOME. You can download almost ANYTHING and if you have a good connection you can get them pretty damn fast. Just...

    The Bible

    I might be going to hell for this one but I dont know.... Dont get me wrong, I have faith, in what ... Thats what I dont really know. My family NEVER took me to church, the couple of times in my life I did go was with friends parents and each time it was a differant kind of church. I guess my...

    2 600w Digital ballast on ebay. $199

    Hydroponic Grow Lamps 600W DIGITAL (2) + 125 w lamp - eBay (item 130247284276 end time Aug-18-08 15:59:03 PDT) I came across these on ebay a few minutes ago. I dont want/need them but I have seen a few people posting about needing lights or looking for some so I thought I would share the...

    Ship to the USA, Canada & Worldwide and Guarantee delivery. Is this true?

    So I came across this website a few minutes ago at ... Grow Marijuana Kits - Grow marijuana kits from home and I noticed at the bottom it says they ship to the usa, canada and worldwide and guarantee delivery. Has anyone ever heard of this place?

    When Flying With Weed ....

    I have attached a photo of a ticket stub that shows you the "SSSS" that will let you know if you are going to go through the secondary search at the airport for sure. If you have the "SSSS" on your boarding pass then you will be going through the secondary search. Im not sure of any other things...

    Bun B - Your Everything - Video

    Bun B - Your Everything - Video from II Trill Album. Bun B - You're Everything (Feat. Rick Ross, David Banner & 8-Ball & MJG) Leave comments on it :joint:


    I grew up on alot of the rap-a-lot artists music and to this day they still have a good roster but why dont they put out music like they used to? I really thought after Pimp C was released that rap-a-lot was going to take off again but it seems like they slowed down again after he died. I also...

    Kidney Stones

    Anyone ever had any? I had my first one when I was 11 years old. That was my first and most painful one. My next one didn't come until I was 19. After that they came regular for a while. I think in all I have probably had somewhere around 50 and it SUCKS! Only about 15 or so of those have been...

    Grape Ape Seeds

    When I was in San Diego we smoked some Grape Ape, liked it, and now I am looking for some seeds but cant seem to find a site that has them. Has anyone came across a site that has them? If so the info would be appreciated :blsmoke:


    I have used this product probably 15 times already and LOVE IT! Its a hell of a lot better then using quick tabs or trying to find someone with clean urine. Anyone else used it? It has saved me many of times. EDIT: I forgot to specify ... the actual product is called quick fix.

    Need A Little Help

    Hello all, I am just about to purchase a grow kit and wanted to see if a few of you vets could help me out a little. The kit I am looking at is .... SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Multi Spectrum Bubbleponics™ Complete Kit If some of you have time, can you take a look and see if it would be good for...

    Vote joe gallo - 2012

    Vote for Joe Gallo ... President for 2012. Here are my thoughts.... Illegal Aliens Once they are busted, we send them to a prison that will be built just for them. They serve a one year term. After that year, they are granted a 2 year work visa. At that point they HAVE to pay taxes and renew...

    Check me out & let me know what you think

    Hey everyone, new here but glad to see a music thread. Check me out on my myspace and let me know what you think about the music. I do the production and not the rapping but let me know what you think about both if you have some spare time.... - Joe Gallo Productions -...