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  1. R

    The Dead Tour

    So who's got tickets to a show?? I got tickets to the easter show, and im psyched:peace:
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    Shroom tips..

    So im about to trip on shrooms. Freind got busted for possesion, now he wants to trip after his court date. Any tips/hints? I've tripped on salvia before, but never something like this. Any help would be great.
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    No more weed..:( drug test

    So, yea, im done smoking for at least 2-3 months. This blows sooooooo hard. Anyone else out there not smoking right now?
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    Need ideas..Bong ideas.

    So, i dont have a bong yet. Havnt really needed one. But i want one now. I have been looking online, and in my local headshop, and i need some opinions. Whats your bong and what do you suggest?bongsmilie
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    This weed

    So, about a week ago, i bought a quarter of regs from a buddy. This guy is as redneck, country boy as it gets. To put it into perspective, we have a huge outdoor soccer facility. Tons of feilds. He and like 6 ppl went and stole 2 goals so they could play soccer. Well, the bag i bought looked...
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    The US Marijuana Party

  7. R

    The US Marijuana Party

    I just found out theres a party for the legalization of weed. Fuck yea.:clap: Theres actually two. The Pot Party, and The US Marijuan Party. I was just thinking, what if there was a Marijuana party, so i looked it up, and there is.:leaf: Politics1 - Guide to American Political Parties Check it...
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    The other canidates

    So, we all know about Barock Obama, and John McCain..but what about the others???? How bout Ralph Nader for president???? Or Bob Barr? Ralph Nader is a third party Independent. Bob Barr is Libertarian. They are both going to be on the ballot in most states. Why is it that we never hear of these...
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    how many times have you smoked?

    So i wanna know how many times people think they've smoke. Just put a rough estimate on how many times you think you have smoked in your life. Me, probably about............1000-2500 times.....maybe more? :peace: :joint: :peace:
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    2012. What do you beleive?

    So im sure you all know about 2012. Whats your opinion on it..Is it real, or just a bunch of bull shit? What do you think will happen. If the world ends, how will it end? Tell me what you think :peace: :joint: :peace:
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    Loose Change...Seen it?

    Ok, so I dunno if this is the right forum, but i think it will be a good discussion. Have you seen Loose Change? If you havnt you should watch it...Its a 9/11 conspiracy video...The only way i can describe it is Fucken Scary. I wish i had a link to post, but i dont...if anybody does, reply and...
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    If you could smoke with anyone...

    If you could smoke with anyone, from anywhere, anytime, even out of a movie, who would it be? I would toke up with no other than, Bob Marley.
  13. R

    What to name it??

    I have a new pipe...Its shaped like a mushroom, and when you stand it up, it is a mushroom. Its turning blue very rapidly:mrgreen:. Whats a good name for it? What about your peices? Share any good, cool, funny or interesting names.
  14. R

    Any way to mask the smell?

    So, I am Germing the seeds right now, but i want to tackle any and all problems in advance if possible. When my plant hits the flowering cycle, how will i cover up the smell? What do you do?
  15. R

    Taking any and all advice..

    I have just recently decided to grow my first plant. I have been reading up on how to's and what not to do's. I would really appreciate any advice anyone has to offer. I'm going to attempt to grow some bag seed that I have had for a while. Its pretty good stuff. I'm going to grow out of my...