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  1. BlazedAndConfused

    Help please, plants dying after two weeks into flower

    Have some plants that have been in flower two weeks. None of them has stretched, yellowed completely, curled leaves on new growth. Mind you these plants were perfectly healthy and green in the veg area. Could this simply be a terrible case of overwatering leading to root rot? Could I have...
  2. BlazedAndConfused

    Hermies? Lots of white hairs 6+ weeks into flowering.

    Im pretty sure I had a hermie my last grow, my question is have these hermied or am I just losing my marbles? There are a lot of bud sites that seem to have small new green growth on top, others even had seed pod like structures, most of which that I pulled off. I have some Reverse coming in...
  3. BlazedAndConfused

    inline fan size and some A/C questions

    o I'm working in an 8' by 11' flower area, 4x2 closet tent for veg. Currently I have a 400w MH for the 4x2 tent, with 2 6" duct boosters (not full size inlines) one for pulling fresh air from the bottom of the tent out the top and one to cool the 400w in a cooltube stretching about 8' to a...
  4. BlazedAndConfused

    Questions about setting up venting and air conditioners

    So I'm working in an 8' by 11' flower area, 4x2 closet tent for veg. Currently I have a 400w MH for the 4x2 tent, with 2 6" duct boosters (not full size inlines) one for pulling fresh air from the bottom of the tent and one to cool the 400w in a cooltube stretching about 8' to a window for fresh...
  5. BlazedAndConfused

    Salvia is completely insane.

    So i was over at my friends house the other day getting ready to smoke some blunts and he pulls out the leftovers of some 50x salvia. He asks me if i want to try some, and never before i had, so he packs me an almost full bowl in a 2.5 foot bong. Im freaking out because im scared because i had...
  6. BlazedAndConfused

    Can i grow outside in Florida through the winter?

    Looking to grow 1-3 plants. Starting them in my backyard as a stealth grow then moving them into the forest across the street. I have hundreds of seeds from my dad. Im wondering should i just plant a few out there in nutrient rich soil and water them once a week? would they survive and bud? Is a...
  7. BlazedAndConfused

    Cost of a decent sized shroom grow?

    Whats the cost of a basic shroom setup? How many cakes to expect a dried weight of at least a few ounces? Just looking for some info :bigjoint:
  8. BlazedAndConfused

    South florida!!!!!

    Sup everyone. Im 18, i smoke a shit load of weed. Im currently enrolled full time at Florida-Atlantic University. Have thoughts about growing and would love if anyone here could take the time to help me and inform me. I have a j roller, small metal bowl, and a foot and a half tall bong, and more...
  9. BlazedAndConfused

    My KFC Experience.

    So im with my friends little bro and we had just burned on the way to get KFC for the fam. So i pull up to the speaker and say heeeeellllllooooooo. This crazy black girl answers " Wahu neeed" and i just start DYING laughing. She hears me and is like " Canpleeeaze take yo order". I continue to...