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  1. meenigrow

    Nutrient concentrations questions

    I have a bloom nutrient called Plagron Terra Bloom, which has NPK 2 2 4. I received an additive with it ,concentration 0-13-14 NPK. It is labeled as being organic and can be used with every watering. Here are some links
  2. meenigrow

    Odor-Wise ,which strains / genes should I absolutely avoid?

    I'm a mini-micro grower ,and ,although I have an improvised carbon filter ,I'd like to avoid the strongest smelling strains / genes. During my past grow ,the filter has done its job somewhat ,but very close to the limit. Strain was ShortStuff#1 ,and it did smell a bit. So which strains are a...
  3. meenigrow

    Does this seedling have any chance or is it an anomaly?

    I found this morning ,it still seems to have some white in there ....
  4. meenigrow

    Question about branching when LST

    Finally decided to seed a Dinafem Roadrunner ,which usually grows medium-tall and lanky. I only got like 13 inches of vertical space to work with ,so I'll have to tie her down as soon as possible.But from what I've experienced ,autos start to "really" branch only after showing preflower. They...
  5. meenigrow

    Dinafem Roadrunner light schedule

    So the breeder says it should be kept in 20/4 light schedule for optimal grow speed. I'm not sure I'll be able to do more than 18/6 because of heat in my small space. Has any of you done 18/6 vs 20/4 with Dinafem Roadrunner ,is there really much difference?
  6. meenigrow

    Light leaks question

    I had forgotten that my mini tent had some small fissures ,like small dots sized or pinholes ,through which I can see the light inside.There aren't many ,and most of them are around the upper corner ,at the seams.Probably due to the tent being assembled and disassembled many has...
  7. meenigrow

    Wos NL x BB photo - stretching question

    How much would you say this strain stretches compared to its veg size? 2x veg size? 3 x veg size? I plan to use a 2 gallon pot and LST
  8. meenigrow

    Vote my next strain

    Which one?
  9. meenigrow

    Why can't some people see the link in my signature?

    Some of them get"no permission to view" notice ,even though they are members or well-known members.
  10. meenigrow

    NL x BB world of seeds - freebie from Herbie (auto or not?)

    I had placed an order at Herbie's ,in the month of May and received a NL x BB world of seeds. I forgot if it was an auto or photo ,I remember it said feminized ..... I checked the WoS site and they have it both as auto and as photo. Can anyone remember about these freebies? They were offered...
  11. meenigrow

    How "gooey" are your buds?

    Why don't we all play a little game in which we describe the gooeyness of our buds ,be them actual or former ones...... I'll start : My buds are so "gooey" that my mother called the Ghostbusters when she saw them.
  12. meenigrow

    Carbon filter with 2 fans question

    I'd like to improve my diy carbon scrubber.I just found a similar pc fan to the one which is running at the moment. It is an 120 mm pc fan pushing through the carbon in the filter. I'd like to add the second fan at the opposite end ,blowing in the same direction ,of course.One filter would be...
  13. meenigrow

    In general .....does weed smell worse when drying or when growing?

    Assuming we are talking about the same strain ,medium -small plant (one of the stinkier ones) ,will it smell worse when growing or when drying?/ I'm asking because so far I have only dealt with low odor strains ,and couldn't see the difference..
  14. meenigrow

    Can I keep feeding as long as I see some clear trichs?

    Harvest time is near ,I can see some amber tricks ,some milky ones ,and (still )some clear ones. I'm asking whether I should start flushing already ,or can I feed one or two times still.......
  15. meenigrow

    Flushing and root rot?

    I was always afraid of flushing the classic way ,namely watering x3 of the pot to avoid root rot. So I would always flush a lot earlier ,with plain water ,using same quantities as a normal watering. How come the roots don't rot when watering x3 ,even x5 of the pot capacity ,I...
  16. meenigrow

    Does anyone have a smoke report on Short Stuff#1?

    Mine is near the end ,I'm just curious to see a smoke report if you have one........
  17. meenigrow

    Leaves growing out of buds late in flowering?(pics)

    Strain is Short Stuff#1 ,day 53 since sprouting.......more and more leaves seem to be growing out of the side buds.Why?
  18. meenigrow

    Many amber thrich at day 50 (pics)

    Strain is Short Stuff #1 I'm only at day 50 ,and a lot of amber trichs......I would like to postpone chopping though as much as possible ,in hope she will pack more bud. How long do you think she has left??
  19. meenigrow

    What pocket microscope?

    Thinking to get me one of those pocket microscopes ,but I have no clue about what specs should it have......30x .....60x.....100x....can someone give me a hint?
  20. meenigrow

    Why is the top bud called Cola?

    I was wondering about the origins of the word ,in relation with weed plants.