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    when its time to crop

    what is the opitmium time to crop our harvests. im on my first crop and some suggested when the leaves start to go orange ?? help please lol
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    Any suggestions

    im setting up 150 planter.... i am considering using plenty of hps 600w, mixed in with a few 125w enviro lights.. does anybody have any other suggestions i may wish to consider
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    wot distance do u guys reccomend i have my plants from my paid of HPS 600w lights ?
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    600w soduim lights

    wot the perfect number of plants u think 2 grow under one of these lights im growing 21 plants under 2x 600w soduim lights and turning them on 2 flower u think i need more light ?
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    Purple leaves

    on 1 of my plants the lesaves are goin purple !!!! and while feedin today i spotted a little spider ?? is it the spider
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    Changing to flower

    any hinits or tips or shall i just turn em str8 over
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    Yellow leaves

    my leaves are goin yellow with dark dots on them....not all over just in a couple of places....any suggestions
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    Changein food

    ive been feeding my plants bio bizz products 4 a week or 2 weeks maximum but i wont 2 change 2 hydro products foods....will it harm my plants ?
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    can i mix bio grow/bio bloom and bio topmax into the same mix when im feedin my plants orn do they have 2 b separate feeds
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    ive got 3 bottles ;- Bio-grow 80-20-60 Bio-Bloom 20-60-35 Top max is it safe to mix 2 or even all 3 in2 the same mix and wot does the 80-60-20 stand for
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    ive got 25 plants vegatating under a 600w light. i no this isnt ideal and was wondering wot sort of lighting system i should change 2 maybe 3x 600w or 2x 600 + a 200w wot u think guys
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    reccomendations ?

    ive got 25 plants vegatating under a red ended spectrum 600w light. my room is roughly 6x7 foot. obviuosly this wont b enough when they start having to b spread out ! wot u reccomend i change it too and wot will b needed when i switch them 2 flowering stage ?
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    Humidifier rules

    plants cuming into 2nd week now, roughly at wot humidity and temp levels should i be targeting and shud this stay the same through out all different stages high temp low humidity ???? and u got any little tips 4 a 1st timer
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    Can food kill

    i got sum cuttins off a mate n after a few days after puttin them in 2 pots i gave them a tiny bit of this good r bad 4 is the bio and is 4 the whole stage of growing
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    how much would it cost 2 run 3 600w lights in my room 4 the a whole 3 months....just a rough estimate maybe a maximum n minimum r can it not be worked out ?
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    im having a debate with a friedn who thinks smoking in out grow room will help out plants. I strongly disagree and feel it must do damage as it kills humans giving up cancer etc etc
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    Question for you all

    ive just put my cuttings into pot under a 600w sodium light. my leafs are starting to go yellow...wot could be the source. maybe the lights 2 powerfull ??? if so shud i put a lesser light r move it further away untill they r bigger ?
  18. B

    Well hello

    im the new lad at all this so just lookin 4 a few top tips haha