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  1. L

    4/20 roast sessions

    trying to get a bunch of heads together for 4/20 in the PA area. lets get together and :joint::joint::joint: please no regular or midis! thanks
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    call of duty 4 360

    who plays? gt- damnimnice215 game is amazzing
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    THEE legal bud thread.

    had some questions about legal bud; thought why not make THEE legal bud thread? - What is this stuff? - Can it get one "high" Any other questons?
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    anybody in southeastern PA?

    hey guys/girls, anyone in south eastern pa? like philly and surroundng areas? just looking for some "friends" i have been dry for almost a week now and i am fiending. please help
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    dutch passion?

    hey guys, happy new year to all! just wondering, some kid around says he has dutch passion, he is asking 500 an ounce, 75 an 8th. is it worth it?
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    i just smoked some really killer beasters(although some mentioned them as hedis) followed by some killer killer killer haze, like some straight up ny piff type of haze, really heavy stuff. And oh my god, am i high. god help me. :weed: i prefer the piff over the beasters. whats your fave?
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    so i suggest... get in your vehicle, or get your mom, dad, sisters boyfriends friend, to drive you to dunkin donuts and get a pumpkin donut. you'll forget about mj.:finger:
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    i hate when girls

    get nervous when your around. It really annoys me. And its so apparent its not even funny. But their so cute amidst.
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    guys.....i need some weed

    so its 445 on this beautiful, rainy sunday evening. and i have nothing to do. I need some good weeds. but this kid i used to buy off of, has turned gay. I need help to find some good stuff in Philadelphia area. Someone help. pleaseeeeeeee
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    did i get ripped off?

    hey everyone, i grBabbed some stuff not long ago and its weird to me. like its not like anything ive ever messed with before. It breaks up like, idk, like regs i guess, but it smokes like some kill. I felt good after one guy. help? lla
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    silver sun pickups

    my favorite band to listen to when im roasted. i suggest you guys buy their album pikul and carnavas. if funds not available, download these songs which i love: book smart devil kissing families three seed come back kid . those are all good songs.
  12. L

    hey guys

    to my fellow posters, i hope all is well. My name is asad, im from the philly suburb area, and im sure like the majority of you, i love my marijuana. The greatest gift from god. I registered here today, and i plan to be here forever!!! muahahahaha:fire: thanks and take care asad khan