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  1. S

    Leftover plant never harvested

    I was growing a few plants & forgot about one of the smaller ones. It wasn't a good grow either. The buds were pretty small & airy. Long story short, I'm now wondering what to do with the remains. The plant is overall dried out. But the buds still crystally and have a good smell to them. Should...
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    Bud rot or something else?

    Yesterday I went to check on the baby & noticed something weird with the buds. It literally looks like someone pulled some of it apart. I actually found some pieces of the flower under the plant that look fine but the flowers still on the leaves don't. Everything has Ben fine up to this stage...
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    LED or 600w HPS in closet with fans only?

    I have two LED panels, 110v & one 600w HPS with a winged hood. my plant is 8 days into flowering (outdoor grow), 2 gallons of soil in a 4 gallon pot. It's getting cooler outside & I need to bring it indoors. My closet is a nice size. Can I use the LED or should I use the HPS? Afraid it may...
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    Any advice for this closet grow?

    I've started growing a plant from bagseed outdoors. It's one week into flowering & I will be investing in some LED lights from a friend tomorrow. So my plan is to move the plants indoors, to my closet. Not sure what kind of LED lights or Watts. But he said he was able to grow 6 plants with the...
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    Garage grow with no grow box?

    Can I do a small grow in a garage with no grow box/tent? Just cfls & fan? If so, what to I do about pests control?
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    Small plant in Veg

    So I planted this about 5 or 6 weeks ago & today noticed signs of flowering. The labt is in a 4 gallon pot but only has about 2 gallons worth of soil. Because of this I have been meaning to transplant it for a larger growth potential but haven't gotten around to it. With it already being...
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    Had a storm & new leaves are wilting??

    We had a bad storm, I ended up.bringing my plants in but not before noticing some wilting on the new leaves. Is this from over watering? Should I just leave it be & hope it recovers or tear then off for new growth?
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    Any idea why the leaves are more round? Pics included

    I germinated a seed & then just placed it in my yard to see how it would do on it's own. It's growing but the true leaves are fat and kind of round. Is there a reason for this?
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    Need help with indoor grow set up for auto-flowering seeds

    Okay, after some thought I've decided to build my own grow tent/box & start a grow from seeds. So far I've purchased some wood posts, 8ft tall that I plan on cutting down a foot or two. I will use these posts to build a frame for the tent. I need help figuring out what I should use for the...
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    Getting Clones but don't know how to care for them

    I will be doing a closet grow for the time being. Covering walls with Mylar, I'll have a fan and wondering how to add ventilation? I read about getting a bathroom vent fan, but seeing as I can't cut holes in the wall that isn't an option. Any other ideas? Also, after getting a proper set up...
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    Getting clones but how do I care for them?

    i will be doing a closet grow for the time being. Covering walls with Mylar, I'll have a fan and wondering how to add ventilation? I read about getting a bathroom vent fan, but seeing as I can't cut holes in the wall that isn't an option. Any other ideas? Also, after getting a proper set up...
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    Can I turn indoor clones into outdoor grow?

    Can I plant clones outdoors & grow naturally with just sun & water if they were originally cared for indoors? Or grow with proper nutrients but still outdoors? Or will they need to stay indoors? Also, how long do clones typically take to fully grow & get ready to be harvested and cured?
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    Is this a good grow tent kit to use for clones??

    I will be getting some clones soon. Will this complete grow tent work with them? The title says this is a hydoponic grow tent. Does that mean I can't grow plants with soil in this...
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    Growing from clones!

    Hey theree, So I will be purchasing some clones soon but I have no idea how to care for them. I will be doing an indoor grow, inside of a grow tent. Any recommendations? Here's one I was looking at. Will it suffice? I'll be using soil btw...