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  1. FirstTimeGrowKing

    clone are 100% the same as mother Plant?

    I'm running out of room growing 10 plant so my question is . clan I clone the mother plant flower the mother then expect evrything clone I take from her before flowering to be 100% the same thx potency so on ? there is alot of debate saying to keep the mom bit it's big and I can use the space...
  2. FirstTimeGrowKing


    please help me I'm veging weed plants on a 20 hrs on 4hrs of darkness but today timer did not go off and I had them in darkness for 8 and a half hours is this bad ? well they start to flower ?
  3. FirstTimeGrowKing

    mother plant or clones

    Weed clones . #1 mother plant #2 the clone taken from mother plant. Question ? if I have a mother plant white widow . And I take a clone from it is the clone 100% the same thx smell so on ? can I make this my new mother plant ?. if so that means plant #2 the clone becomes the new mother...
  4. FirstTimeGrowKing

    Weed clones sexing after they take root

    after cloning and waiting for roots to form u then need to put it in a pot with soil but u well see no new growth for like 2 weeks. that being said if these clones still trying to recover are put into flower for sexing how many days does it take ? to find out boy or girl
  5. FirstTimeGrowKing

    Can Canadians with medical license buy there own seeds to grow

    can Canadian Medical.marijuwanna users also purchase there own seeds by mail or only clones from dispensery