Search results

  1. ALittleBumbleBee

    When to harvest?

    Hello again you lovely growers. Since you've so generously offered your time and experience in the past, I thought I might be able to pick your brains a little more. I'm a first time grower, and I have couple of happy healthy little plants. They're getting on, and I'm wondering when I should...
  2. ALittleBumbleBee

    FoxTailing - Is that what's happening here?

    Evening All. Since you lovely people have been so helpful in the past, I'm going to continue to learn from your vast collective experience. I'm a new grower, so it's possible that now that Ive reached this critical point in my plant's development, I'm hyper vigilant as ti it's wellbeing...
  3. ALittleBumbleBee

    A question of light ... and lack thereof.

    We all understand the importance of ensuring our grow rooms and grow tents are free of light leaks, right? We know that even the tiniest volume of light will be enough to stress out our plants to such a degree that they'll spontaneously take on characteristics of both genders and consequently...
  4. ALittleBumbleBee

    Could this be a Zinc Deficiency?

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the community and a new grower. I switched my plants to 12/12 last week to switch to flower. This week, I notice that my usually happy green plants have an unusual discolouration. Having scoured previous posts in the forums, the closest image i could find demonstrated...