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  1. w33disaplant

    feeding nutes twice

    I have some girls week 4 of flower, i gave them clean water for 3 waterings since they seemed to have a little high ec in the runoff, i fed them half strenght nutes last watering, but they seemed to have yellowed a little since then(they where flush green before), is it cool for me to give a...
  2. w33disaplant


    will theese clones be good? they are 1 month old today, took them out of the cloner 3 days agoe. roots kinda stagnated in growth a few weeks agoe, but decided id just put them in some soil and they look like they arent dying atleast. what do you guys think?.
  3. w33disaplant

    rooting clone problem

    Hi, my clones started to show roots a little over one and a half week agoe, but all the sudden root growth halted, and they havent grown much if annything last 1 and 1/2 week. why is this?. annyone have had this happen before?. this is my first attemt at taking clones..
  4. w33disaplant

    Feeding a rooted clone

    how mutch canna terra vega would you feed a rooted clone? and when would you start upping the nutes?.
  5. w33disaplant

    plant problem

    my 1 month old plants from seed started to show some symptoms a little over a week agoe. after asking around in here i figured it was becuse i had been feeding nutes for 2 weeks without having runoff.(wanted to plants to build a root system after repotting from solo cups). i took another members...
  6. w33disaplant


    How long can i keep plain water in a reservoar with circulation?.
  7. w33disaplant

    What causes this?

    End of week 3 veg. have had this discoluration of the leaf for a while now, kinda got better when i upped from 2/3 to allmost full strength with canna reccomended light feeding schedule + calmag. but now its starting to show again. i also have some plants in week 5 veg and those are not showing...
  8. w33disaplant


    How much light would you guys put in a 5x10?. been thinking 2x 1000w, or would 4x 600w be a better option?.
  9. w33disaplant


  10. w33disaplant


    Hey, How long after potting from a 1.7 gallon to a 2.9 gallon pot do i have to wait before i can flip to flower?. cheers!