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  1. P

    What are these bugs? What action should I take?

    Hello. I am growing in a small 60*60*160cm tent, a singe plant in a 20L air-pot, with a mix of coco and hydrocorn(clay pebbles?), I'm using Canna Coco, Canna Calmag and hydro silicon. Everything has been going just fine but yesterday I spotted these bugs running around on the side of my...
  2. P

    weld aluminium without a welder! Making plans for a alu based grow light to support heavy weigts.

    Hello. I had planned to build a new grow light using a aluminium sheet and I have looked up driver and LED's and everything, I can't recall all the names right now but it is based primarily on EBgen2 stripes, but The project stalled due to me not finding a suitable or satisfactory way of...
  3. P

    Advice about EBgen2 + 3W LED's build and UVB reptile lamp(T5 fixtures) reflector material.

    Hello. I am putting together a LED grow light, as it stands now it is planned like this: [The picture is dimensionally accurate, while using 25mm for the EBgen2 width and 3cm diameter for the 3W LED's which are star boards] The stated 15min before and after sunrise/sunset isn't a sure thing, I...
  4. P

    Constant Current, Constant Voltage drivers & parallel LED strips?

    Hello. I have been researching this for weeks now without making any progress, in another thread I was advised that I can drive a number of EBgen2 LED strips connected in parallel with a MeanWell HLG driver which features both Constant Current(CC) and Constant Voltage(CV), it isn't that I don't...
  5. P

    Advice about implementing Blue Light Treatment/No Red Treatment during the last 72h before harvest.

    Hello. I have not found much about this online thus far though I haven't been at it for very long, but in some text I found a reference to something they called "Blue Light Treatment" during the last 3 days before harvest, which supposedly constitutes an increase in blue light in order to...
  6. P

    Help regarding choosing solution for adding UVA/UVB LED's to a DIY COB LED grow light.

    Hello. I've built a DIY COB LED grow light using two CXM-32-35-80-54-AC00-F2-3 and the driver I am using(HLG-320H-C2800A) is allowing me to adjust the constant current output between roughly 1400mA ~ 2800mA which estimated from the datasheet of the CXM-32 would for 2 connected in series result...
  7. P

    AS7262 Visible Spectral Sensor, viable for low-cost PAR sensor?

    Hello. I have been trying to find a way to measure PAR without a Quantum sensor, there are those whom say that you can use a LUX-meter and simply convert the measurement to PAR by multiplying it with some value, but the problem then is the spectrum of the lux-sensor. I have found a interesting...
  8. P

    Adding green LED's to my DIY COB grow light, used for lights during night-time activities?

    Hello. I have built my own DIY COB grow light with 2 * CXM-32 COB LED's(I had a thread about it a while ago). In any case I now find my self needing green-only lights to use during the plants dark hours, 12 hours is a long time and I don't want to be limited to the 12 hours of light hours to...
  9. P

    Using cheap lux-meter for "ball park" PAR measurements possible?

    Hello. I've found a thread(can't recall if it was on rollitup or not) in which a person was modifying a lux-meter to get it to reflect a PAR value, the thread was very long and in the end I was nothing but very confused. But my reasoning is that if I had a lux-meter and I knew the exact...
  10. P

    My first dual CXM-32(170W-300W) build, for a 2'*2' space, advice about reflectors/lense etc.

    Hello. I am fairly knowledgeable when it comes to electronics and putting together a LED grow light is a simple matter as far as the electronics goes, but LED's is one of the subjects within electronics that I know nothing about when it comes to the use of LED's for illumination or grow lights...