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  1. M

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    yes i agree leds are great and i do belive its the ir that is damaging but due to the law of conservation of energy. that 80% of light will bounce around the walls and become ir. this is of course diffuse, heating the whole are just not a single spot. ie-hotspot. also hids have ballasts that...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    im sure this has been discussed. i want to bring up a point about heat. some one correct me if they can. the only way to actually get less heat with led's is to use less watts. in other words if i replace 1000 watt hps with 1000 watt led i will get the same amount of heat. in fact you can apply...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    I have never read a thread without some scum bag trolling around with his head up his ass. I got 2 500 spect's working in a scrog. Both pushed on a light mover. Keeping them a max of 12'' from the canopy. So far seem to be on par with the former 1000 watt air cooled nextgen/digilux. It was in...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    you could make good bubble out of bleached buds.l if its got trichomes its hashable
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Let me pose this question. If in fact it is off gassing then wouldent constant ventilation remove the gasses? I could see this possibly happening in only a sealed set up or if the ventilation was periodic or went off at night. Scary shot though. I work in home improvement and everything on the...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    H202 & 03 in high enough concentrations will bleach leaves but really all you need is better ventilation and reverse osmosis water. Tap water in addition to salt build up will fuck with the buffering abilities of your nutes
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    I doubt any of those problems r off gassing. Plants grow any where fro. From roadsides to industrial parks. I have personally had all those leaf issues and can identify most of them. I see a combo of wrong ph and nutrient lock. Need to use reverse osmosis not tap. Tap salts build up. U need...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    So imwondering about the bleaching. I've been at this for a while and made my mistakes along the way. I have had burned tips and leaf curl due to heat. I can get 1000w 10 inches away in winter because I draw air from outside. No problem. Never seen bleaching except from too much h202. How...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Well that's positive. I would hate to yield less with all factors but light remaining the same. Also I was thinking bud has possibly been artificially selected over the decades to grow under hid lighting more effectivly. In the future there will be strains selected for led. This would happen...
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Lumitek ballast broke. So now I thought. This is a good as time is any to switch. I would like to hear some more people weighin one they think the yield comparison would be. Irish boy would know better than anyone. How much led would i need the to equal1000 watt hps?
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    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    Purchased 2 500 spectra to replace air cooled1000w digilux hps on a light mover. Was getting about 1.5 pound chocolope. I hope my 2800$$ investment was worth it. Area is 5x4. I still have another 5x4 area where I have the same hps setup. Will compare yeild in next few months. Irishboy. What are...
  12. M

    How many watts of led would I need to equal 1000 w hps digilux air cooled on a light mover?

    How many watts of led would I need to equal 1000 w hps digilux air cooled on a light mover?
  13. M

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    I really love your threads. I read them all and I wish I had sooner. Dumped money into Haight Solid State; Pro bloom; and advanced led. i hope Glh work. I have to ask do you still remove the glass from your LED's and If so have you had any problems doing so?