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  1. H


    Put to 2ft and unfortunately that is maxed out. Dropped to 75% and will go lower if I see it spreading
  2. H


    Growing under a 320w qb that is 20 inch from top of plant. Would bleaching happen before burn? Im not seeing any
  3. H


    Would love if you fine people could give your opinions on what could be going on here. These bronze patches seem to be mainly starting at buds and aren't brittle or dry. Could this be a boron deficiency?
  4. H

    Split my stalk while mainlining

    I wouldn't stress over the glue. Next time just melt a bunch of wax on it
  5. H

    quest, questions, advice for gummies without jello, using kief from dry ice bubble bag?

    I would go 1/2 cup infused coconut oil and half cup juice to 4 tablespoons gelatin. Lose lemon juice keep the honey. I usually add a teaspoon of lecithin