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  1. Ulookinatmepal

    Re use soil

    Do you close the flap at lights out too (assuming your exhaust fan goes off too)? I would, just to make sure, especially if the room your tent is in isn't COMPLETELY dark. If the flap is open, or even if there's the tiniest of a pin-prick of a hole, any ambient light, through the curtains say...
  2. Ulookinatmepal

    Seedsman - Not pleased :-(

    I use They charge delivery but service is good, decent freebies and money back to spend with every order points scheme thingy. And am I the only one worried about the neighbour's kid?
  3. Ulookinatmepal

    Re use soil

    I'd use fresh soil, or if not- I'd seperate the root material out and save what I can, then reconstitute it, back to the original volume, with a mixture of good quality peat moss compost and pearlite, ratio of 3:1 and maybe mix in some worm castings and bone meal, and then give it all a...
  4. Ulookinatmepal

    Quick question. Light on seed in soil yes or no

    I only put lamp on for germinating if it's cold. I have it raised a good couple of feet off the babies so they don't burn when they pop!
  5. Ulookinatmepal

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hi all, Firstly; **Disclaimer** - Cannabis cultivation is illegal here in the UK (like anyone has the right to a). tell somebody else what they can and can't do, or b). outlaw a completely natural process), so all my posts are referring to either hypothetical, fantasy or imagined situations and...