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    Newb question.

    What's up Riu? Gotta question. So I just bought a plant that's in soil, but I want to grow it into hydro, is it possible? Any advice helps. Thanks
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    OG Purple Kush

    Hey matanuskavalley. Plants looking great. Any new pics of your baby's? It seems like we live in the same state. Lol
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    My baby is slanting

    Hello people, my seed recently sprouted and I started to turn lights on. So I checked when I woke up how my new born is doing and I come to see that my plant is slanting to the right. My light is about 2in away from it and it is on the side of the plant. Is this normal? Sorry it's my first time...
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    Hey I hope you can answer a couple of my question. My first question is how do I set up the...

    Hey I hope you can answer a couple of my question. My first question is how do I set up the rockwool and hydroton in the 3in net pots. Should the rockool sit directly on the bottom of the net or what? Next qustion is when do I start with the lights when I'm germinating the seed? Thank u for your...
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    First Grow Newb Question

    Ok guys, I'm trying to start my grow after my vacation. So my question is when my seed sprout do I put nutrients in the resivior right away or can I wait a week. And my other question is, is technaflora a good nutrient brand. I was going to expirement with that technaflora recipe to success...
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    Hey there. I'm not sure what you were trying I ask but I have not grown yet, I will b stating my...

    Hey there. I'm not sure what you were trying I ask but I have not grown yet, I will b stating my grow very soon. I might make a journal here so keep a eye out on that to help you with any if your question.
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    Newbie question

    Hello everybody. I have a few question about my grow setup, ok so I'm doing a speaker grow room that I build myself, one of my question is how do I wire the computer fans together to get power. Also the odor control, I read in this forum that carbon thing really takes out the smell. I just want...
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    Hey there, Just introducing myself to everybody. I want to start growing hydro style. I read l that it's alot faster to grow. But its just a thought. If you guys can give me ideas on how to make a stealth grow room that would be cool. Well that's that. Thanks Keep up with the good smoke.LOL