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  1. K-Bird

    My first ever grow. (Autoflowers) This is a wicked website to get ya going if you've never heard, does exactly what it says on the tin or webpage :P
  2. K-Bird

    My first ever grow. (Autoflowers)

    That link above seems pretty cool BUT for your 1st time you're right to take it slow, wait another few weeks and tie her down rather than topping, autos can be really sensitive to high stress training and could fuck your yield, so either let her grow straight up OR like I said gently bend the...
  3. K-Bird

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Ahh mai godg!! I'd nearly smoke that pic! hope to get my tent looking like this eventually, what light do ya use bruva?
  4. K-Bird

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey dude she looks lurvly with the purple streaks, what do you think of barneys genetics? I'm really new to the scene and just had a a pack of blue cheese, 2 out of 5 were f@#kn' awesome, other 3 sucked, how did you get on with the glue?
  5. K-Bird

    My first ever grow. (Autoflowers)

    Looking really good so far, your on the right track just keep watering when the top inch/half inch feels dry and let those babies do their thing, are you planning to train them or just let them grow??
  6. K-Bird

    First concern about my plant any real growers advice pls

    And I'm starting with HPS so cant say much about LED, good luck broseph may the high be with you
  7. K-Bird

    First concern about my plant any real growers advice pls

    Yeh like I said im new so I dont wanna act like this is the answer but I noticed my plants have them wrinkly bits to and they seem too grow out of it, it's like a baby with extra skin :weed:
  8. K-Bird

    What should i do? Early harvest or hope for best?

    Oh it could be wind burn if your fans are directly on them??
  9. K-Bird

    First concern about my plant any real growers advice pls

    Hey dude I'm a new grower so hopefully you get a vet weighing in but she looks fine, humidity could be higher but my babies are fine on 40%, what kind of light do ya have and how far away is it?
  10. K-Bird

    Clone not taking off after more than 3 weeks, weird growth

    She very well could have a problem at the roots, if any are there, I dunno if the plant can get infected by putting an open wound in soil? But it looks like nute deficiency/root rot/over watering
  11. K-Bird

    Clone not taking off after more than 3 weeks, weird growth

    This guy knows, its the way to do it, take a 7inch cutting, leave just the top couple of nodes and get that biotch in a glass of water, keep her there for 2-3 weeks under soft light and boom roots all over the god dam place, cloning is so easy I did it by accident :P
  12. K-Bird

    How big should the seedling be before you pinch the top leaves

    Yeh dude it's best to wait until she has 5-6 sets of leaves (nodes), then cut (top) down to the 2nd or 3rd,.. or 4th or whatever
  13. K-Bird

    What should i do? Early harvest or hope for best?

    Hey dude I'm a new grower too (also been having problems) it looks like heat stress, what's the temp in your tent? And do you have good circulation coz hot pockets could affect certain parts or the plant rather than the whole thing.... but I'm new so hopefully more experienced peeps chime in