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  1. C

    are they ready?

    They are in fox farm ocean forest with perlite mixed in. Just under 4 t5 bulbs that are 3-4inches above the top of plants The temperature is varying between 78-86 degrees And im using just regular water and adjusting the ph of it
  2. C

    are they ready?

    ok i took them out of the dome after i read all these and its been about 18 hours since they been out and this is what they are doing. not sure why the tips of leaves are doing this? starting to almost look like they are burning off, and also curling a bit.
  3. C

    are they ready?

    2 are haze 1 and 1 is bublelicious. i have them under the t5 bulbs in the little tray covered. here are pics, i am wondering if they are ready to come out and be directly under light and get some wind blowing on them from fans. any help is appreciated!! thanks
  4. C

    Customizing a led panel

    bump for any help?? someone have some insight on how i should customize these?
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    Customizing a led panel

    So i am building 2 apollo 8s (120*3w) I can completely pick what spectrum bulbs i want total 2 apollo 8 will be used for flowering. Possibly vegging to. So i want it to be perfect to maximize growth. I honestly dont know enough about led and what spectrums are best to have ratio wise...
  6. C

    Fist LED grow

    it sent lol thanks
  7. C

    Fist LED grow

    it seems your inbox is full lol
  8. C

    Fist LED grow

    heyy slip amazing grow you got here. would it be cool if i pmed you?
  9. C

    getting back in

    so i havent grown in a few months and i want to start up again. i have 2 rooms. one is about a 5x5 and other is a 10x6 ill use the bigger one for flowering. right now i have a 600w ballast and a 1000w for mh and hps bulbs but i always have a really big problem with heat so i was looking into...
  10. C

    please help making purchase today!! need advice

    i have a flower room i just built it is 10' x 6' i am trying to decide what to do for lighting in it i am deffly going HPS.. i just dont know if i should do 1 1000 / 2 600 / 3 600 i will have a AC in the room and 2 fans and also ducts fans venting outside connected to the lights. so heat is...
  11. C

    Prudent or Paranoid?

    i actually am looking at craigslist right now for equipment.. i never thought about doing it before. lol i just came across an amazing hydroponic system for a steal... im wondering if i should switch from soil now.
  12. C

    am i doing this right?

    yikes yea.. sounds like a jam.. well maybe one day you can move out and get your ownb space.. i plan on expanding even more one day.. but slow and steady
  13. C

    am i doing this right?

    dang sorry to hear that, i wish you the best as well. the thing with me tho is i have a partner, so if i cant make it he can. so we shud work this out pretty good. im hoping to get way more then 2 honestly.. becuzii was gettin 1 1/2 oz per plant under just a 600.. lol
  14. C

    am i doing this right?

    awesome.. thanks for all the help warlock!! yea i just ordered from attitude seedbank i grabbed some LSD / Red Dragon / Blue Mammoth seeds. im using the full foxfarm line, and growing in 3 gallon smart pots.. im hoping this will produce atleast 3-4 dry ozs per plant
  15. C

    am i doing this right?

    yea but under 1800 watts with proper nutes etc.. shouldnt i be able ot get that per plant?
  16. C

    am i doing this right?

    ok i was doing 8 cents not 14.. so i was estimating wrong.. but still lets say 600 watt uses 660. thats .14 x 1.98 x 12 x 30 = 99.72 for flower room .14 x .6 x 18 x 30 = 45.36 veg room and lets say to run the AC / dehumidifier / fans / humidifier an extra 50$ a month at MOST.. that leaves...
  17. C

    am i doing this right?

    well how many cents does your electric company charge you per kw? i must be doing the equation wrong lol
  18. C

    am i doing this right?

    what size fans are you using? ill be using 6" inline duct fans.. then have regular fans in grow room
  19. C

    am i doing this right?

    that doesnt make sense then.. i must be doing my math wrong.. im under 100$ for 2400 watts.. u said your using 2600.. and your at 800?? i know u have t5 bulbs and all but like... those cant be a 600$ diff.. lol
  20. C

    am i doing this right?

    built a veg room and a flower room veg room consist of 1 600w mh so my electric company charges 8cent per kw,, so i do .08 x.6kw x18 x 30 = 25.92 itll cost me basically 26$ a month to run a 600w MH bulb at 18hrs a day 30 days a month?? flower room is 1800 watts so .08 x 1.8kw x 12 x 30 = 51.84